I'm interested as well! Considering making a female theatre nerd character if that's okay? Will probably work on it tonight or tomorrow! EDIT: here we are :) [hider=Alexandra] [center] [URL=http://s1010.photobucket.com/user/LoneWolfie/media/79777_zps6jr4pkiq.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1010.photobucket.com/albums/af223/LoneWolfie/79777_zps6jr4pkiq.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1010.photobucket.com/user/LoneWolfie/media/tumblr_o3b5e1QH9l1v80dgxo1_400_zpsy6xwsd9h.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1010.photobucket.com/albums/af223/LoneWolfie/tumblr_o3b5e1QH9l1v80dgxo1_400_zpsy6xwsd9h.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1010.photobucket.com/user/LoneWolfie/media/gif-raymonde-tania_zpsageq9g1z.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1010.photobucket.com/albums/af223/LoneWolfie/gif-raymonde-tania_zpsageq9g1z.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Name:[/b] Alexandra "Alex" LeClaire [b]Age:[/b] 20. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Label/Stereotype: [/b] Overdramatic theatre nerd. [b]Sexual Orientation: [/b] Pan. [b]Appearance:[/b] Alexandra dresses according to her mood. If she's feeling crappy that day, she'll probably wear sweats and a baggy t-shirt and/or hoodie. If she's feeling pretty good about herself, she'll wear anything exposing her defined legs, arms, and sometimes even her stomach, where the hints of abs is making an appearance. Usually, she is showing off her body in some way (unless it's just that bad of a day) because she works so hard for it and believes she has the right. She enjoys girly things, flowers and lace and skirts and short shorts, tank tops and blouses and putting things in her hair. She usually wears make-up; if she's feeling lazy, she might not put on much, though. She's very anal about her looks and takes amazing care of herself, always doing hair treatments to assure herself her hair is soft and thick and bouncy, always making sure to lotion her skin after showers, always washing her face twice a day. She's obsessed with how she appears because of her passion; first impressions matter, after all. [b]Personality:[/b] [URL=http://s1010.photobucket.com/user/LoneWolfie/media/tumblr_ll63j390oj1qeetmmo1_500_zpss5xevcox.gif.html][IMG]http://i1010.photobucket.com/albums/af223/LoneWolfie/tumblr_ll63j390oj1qeetmmo1_500_zpss5xevcox.gif[/IMG][/URL] Alexandra comes off as very... dramatic. Naturally, she's been in the theatre scene since she was very young; being dramatic is a natural part of her being. It isn't like she overreacts- okay, she does. She doesn't like admitting to it though. She's loud-mouthed, with a blunt honesty she knocks people over the head with, and doesn't like to be wrong. Even if she knows she's wrong, she won't admit it. She can't handle people who are offended easily, or who can't take a joke, no matter how dark the joke is she will find it funny in some sort of way, and even jokes about the broken home she grew up in. Humor is a way for her to mask her softer emotions on matters. Now, don't fret, she is nice. She won't be rude to you until you're rude to her. In social situations, she knows how to small talk, spark a conversation, and she can be a bit strange and quirky, always saying random things because she doesn't really care what someone thinks of her, until it comes to her talents and abilities, that is. She can be overwhelming, though, always wanting to be in a spotlight, and so doing that overdramatic thing to be there. She likes to be a leader, rather than a follower, and prefers all the attention centered on her. She loves debates and arguing but physical fighting is something she will avoid at any cost (unless it's admitting she's wrong, then yeah, not at any cost). She can fight, she just doesn't want too. She sees violence as a stupid act and prefers to use her words as weapons instead. She is very competitive, always seeing someone as her rival, and when she sets her mind to something, she is very determined and most of the time, she gets it done. She isn't a quitter. She is very body conscious, considering the career she wants to go into prides women on their bodies, and so she is often seen watching what she puts in her mouth, and getting up at five in the morning for a five mile run. She's obsessive with it, not realizing that it's actually an unhealthy obsession. She doesn't get angry or annoyed easily, unless her own person is being put in question or someone is telling her she's wrong. She's quicker to annoyance than anger, though. Most of the time, she'll use humor to deflect when someone hurts her feelings, though, and pretends it doesn't bother her; and, she tries to get back at the person by saying something in French, since majority of people she has met doesn't know the language, and she enjoys watching people grow confused and not telling them what she said (or lying about it). She has been acting nearly all her life, after all, and she is a natural at it. She does have a tendency to use that talent to get her way, however, and she isn't afraid to stoop to manipulation to get her way for something she really wants. In the end, though, Alex is just someone who wants an honest relationship, be it friendship or more, but with the way she was raised, she isn't quite sure how to come about that. [b]History:[/b] [URL=http://s1010.photobucket.com/user/LoneWolfie/media/tumblr_mi2v32k32c1rl9et5o5_500_zpsjoisipxo.gif.html][IMG]http://i1010.photobucket.com/albums/af223/LoneWolfie/tumblr_mi2v32k32c1rl9et5o5_500_zpsjoisipxo.gif[/IMG][/URL] Alexandra was born right smack dab in the middle of Paris, France. She spent most her childhood there, with two loving and happy parents, or so it seemed. She was nine, having started theatre locally at the age of six, and having before always been mimicking movies and TV shows and putting on her own little "shows," when her life came crashing down around her. Her mother had been having an affair and crazily enough, it was an online affair, with an American man in the States. Alexandra was taught both English and French, it being a requirement during her schooling. When her father found out of the affair, he had been furious, even more so when her mother announced she was moving to the States and taking Alex with. Alexandra had always been a daddy's girl and she was very distraught to be ripped away from her father but as always, the mother got full custody of the child, and they moved to the States. For the longest time, Alexandra refused to act correctly in school. It wasn't until she was fourteen, and the theatre teacher approached her and revealed he spoke French, sparking a conversation between them, that she began coming out of her closed off and angry shell. Before, she had been in many fights in school, the reasons she didn't like physical fighting now, and didn't have any friends, being dubbed that 'weird French kid who only snapped off answers and statements in French.' Her mother didn't know how to help her and her new American father was shitty, not even trying to get through to her, not that she would have let him. So, her mother had contacted the theatre teacher herself, and told him of how Alexandra's passion for theatre used to be when she was young. Thus, at fourteen, the theatre teacher sparked a friendship with her and offered Alexandra a small part in the upcoming play, just to start nudging her back into the theatre scene. Alex agreed, feeling like someone was finally getting her, and from there on, she became happier. She still missed her father terribly, her mother never letting her have contact with him, and she discovered he had moved anyway. When she became a freshman in high school, she was the best drama student around, being a teacher's pet helped a lot, and from then on, for each play or musical, she got the lead. She could mimic an American accent quite well, as well as almost any other accent, and could sing and dance beautifully. She still didn't really make friends, though; she conversed just fine with everyone backstage but she could never click like she used to be able too. She was always gunning to be in the spotlight and turned out, a lot of people didn't like that type of attitude. Her theatre teacher tried to talk to her about it but even he couldn't convince her to calm down and just be... nicer. She even began to distance herself from him when he kept pushing the matter. Her senior year had been the worse; she didn't get the lead for the play. A freshman had swept in and took it from her. She was hurt and angry and confused. She was the best of the best! Or so she had thought. She had gotten second lead but that didn't matter. She threw the script right in her theatre teacher's face and stormed out. She finished high school and demanded that her mother's husband, the American jackass as she called him, pay for her to attend a very private, very expensive college in NYC, wanting to get a step up by taking acting, dancing, and singing classes. Her mother had been against it, wanting her to stay in Montana with them, but Alexandra hated the place and wanted to leave. Her mother's husband never liked Alexandra, only saw her as a spoiled and annoying brat, and agreed to pay for it. He was wealthy, considering he had paid for them to move there, and he was the CEO of a private business. Alex's mother hadn't been happy but had accepted it for what it was. Alex had been making her life living hell since they moved to America anyway. So away Alexandra went, to join a very uppity college, and though Alex was doing very well in college, and was learning new things and becoming an amazing performer, she still missed France and her father terribly, had never stopped missing it, and dreams of going back one day, even if it meant leaving NYC and Broadway; it felt like a string left untied, she didn't get a proper goodbye with her father, or with the country she loved and was so fond of, and she wanted to go there one last time [b]Why do they want to win a million dollars?:[/b] [URL=http://s1010.photobucket.com/user/LoneWolfie/media/tumblr_lkuuvziJQY1qeetmmo1_500_zpskbhehmeh.gif.html][IMG]http://i1010.photobucket.com/albums/af223/LoneWolfie/tumblr_lkuuvziJQY1qeetmmo1_500_zpskbhehmeh.gif[/IMG][/URL] To go back to France and try to find her real father. She doesn't want to ask the American Jackass for money to go there, she wanted to do that on her own. [b]On a scale of 1-5, how athletic are they?:[/b] 5. [b]On a scale of 1-5, how intelligent are they?: [/b] 3.5. [b]On a scale of 1-5, how social are they?:[/b] 4. [b]Anything else you want to add?: [/b] Obviously, she has a heavy French accent. She can sing and dance amazingly well. She also has taken fencing classes, just for the heck of it and to keep up her health while gaining a new skill, so she is quick on her feet because of dancing and fencing. She also talks and sings to herself a lot.[/center] [/hider]