[center] [color=00a99d][h1]Rogue Inc.[/h1][/color] [img]http://assets.vg247.com/current//2011/04/2193sr3_CitySkyline_Night.jpg[/img] [hider=Day] [img]http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/12/126714/1799978-ss_concept_002_city_day.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=00a99d][h2]"Come Join Us in making this world a better one for Rogues all around"[/h2] [/color] [/center] [b][i]In this universe good and evil are represented in the rawest of forms: Agents (Heroes) and Rogue (Villains). The agents are doing their best to protect this little blue world while the rouges are doing their best to exploit it. Your story takes place in the city of Lochwell City. The premier city of the United States and the crown jewel of the west coast. Sitting off the Northern coast of California and bordering Oregon. The city has been around for a long time and has attracted the eyes of many, good and evil. Now you have been captured by the ARGO (Anit-Rogue Global Orgainization) and sent to Illwood Correctional Facility. Here at ICF they have a cell with your name on it and you cannot get out. Or can you? You need to get out and back on your grind and there are others like you as well determined to get out. Its time for the Rogue to come back to the world with a vengeance, and you and your new found "allies" will bring it, or the "Rogue" name will die in your own personal hell.[/i][/b] [hider=Back Story] Before the organization of the free agents (heroes not employed and register with the governments aka UN), rogues ran wild throughout the world. Taking what they wanted, killing who they wanted, destroying whatever they could in the process. Rogues only getting caught by the occasional hero every once in a blue moon and then getting sent to a weak prison only to break out the next day. The world was getting fed up with the "Rogue Plague" that had infected the world. So to counter this the heroes and governments of the world got together and signed the Supervillain Containment Act. Which outlawed villainy every where and demanded their capture and incarceration. Also to counter the threat the ARGO (Anit-Rogue Global Organization) was created along side Vigil, the Free Agent organization. Its main purpose is to respond to crisis areas around the world and deal with the Rouge issue. Setting up shop in the city of Lochwell, they began the construction of a new prison called the Illwood Correctional Facility or ICF by the inmates. The prison was completed 2 years ago and has been booming ever since. It has only had one successful break out and that was by the infamous (insert famous rogue name here). ICF is made so that it can be tailored to each inmate and is next to near impossible to break out of. ARGO and Vigil has been active a little longer than 6 years and it has produces results. Giving the world a 75% crime free rate, and a 95% rogue prevention rate. ARGO and Vigil handles everything from petty crimes to major ones, natural disasters, and weird phenomenon. They have even replaced the local police departments in major cities. ARGO only employs Agents or heroes who have been registered and now work for ARGO. [/hider] [hider=Factions] [hider=The Syndicate] [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150412103516/warframe/images/1/1d/Warframe_stalker_sigil_by_jackshepardn7-d8bev9g.png[/img] A group of mobsters that focus more on embezzlement, corporate crime, and political tampering than petty turf wars. They have their base of operations in Opal Tower in Redwood. The gang is currently at odds with the Russian Mob, and their only allies in the city are the Yakuza. They control most of the money of the city and specialize in turning smaller bills into big ones. They have sown in most of the political corruption and have more dirty cops on their pay roll than any other gang. [hider=Mr.Ripper& Denis] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/mafiagame/images/1/14/Vito_joe_profile.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100727070550[/img] To be the head of the Syndicate you have to have the most money. Currently the man at the top is Mr. Ripper. He is the richest man in Lochwell, some even say he is so Rich that he can buy the entire city. He is seconded by Denis, the bad boy of the group and also Mr. Ripper's older brother. He has a history and has been in this game for years. He is known as the best loan shark in the city the man can make anything into money and will take everything you have. These two have been dominating the Syndicate for the past 11 years and are no were near being dethroned yet. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Russian Mob] [img]https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3436/3277634107_a0793aa945.jpg[/img] The Russian mob is one of the most famous mobs around the world. Rivaling the power of both the Mexican mafia and the Yakuza. Having outlets in the most important cities this is the Russian Mob in Lochwell. They were the first gang to make an appearance in Lochwell and took over The Valley in a matter of day. Buying most of the Projects and charging extra rent while, dealing drugs. When the Yakuza came in and took over Bridge Port and the Syndicate came in and took over the black markets and the underbelly of the financial district, the mob was hard pressed on both sides and soon, due to lack of payments, it lead to the bloodiest gang war. It lasted for five years and ended in the Russian Mob losing most of The Valley and needing new management. In comes the Cherenchikov family. The have been working for the last five years to get the mob back on track and have re-taken most of The Valley with little to no blood shed. [hider=Cherenchikov Family] [img]http://www.blogcdn.com/blog.games.com/media/2011/08/victoryexploding-building.jpg[/img] A big clan straight from Russia. They are the type who are still fighting the Cold War. They are cold and ruthless and most likely to take your life then take your check. Living by the mob honor code they have taken the Russian Mob out of the slums and dressed them back up with a dress shirt and tie. They are led by Boss Semyon Mikhailovich Kovrov. [hider=Boss Semyon Mikhailovich Kovrov] [img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/9fcf/f/2011/053/4/4/44ace21a9b72508687082f266e107544-d3a6j8o.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Yakuza] [img]http://coolvibe.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/yakuzaguys.jpg[/img] The Yakuza are straight from Japan. They control most of Bridgeport. Handling the west and east ports. Saying who can put their things there and who cannot. They are called the weakest by ARGO and Vigil, due to their original tactics and the lack of moderation. The Yakuza are being led by Tokunaga Kagetoki and the Shinoda Family. [hider=Shinoda Family] [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/90/640x426_15788_Underworld_Empire_Sin_2d_illustration_phoenix_samurai_japanese_yakuza_underworld_syndicate_picture_image_digi.jpg[/img] Led by the 31st Generation head, Tokunaga Kagetoki, they are the strongest Japanese family on the western coast. Due to the originality of their clan, Tokunaga is trying to move them away from the old and into the new. [hider=Tokunaga Kagetoki] [img]http://i.neoseeker.com/ca/yakuza_5_conceptart_JKlt1.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hr] Ummm...Hi I spoke to the original GM of this rp and asked for permission to reboot this and see if I could make it better, so if anyone is interested and wants to contribute something and then lets have some fun. OOC link http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/93536-rogues-inc-reboot/ooc