[b]Birth Name:[/b] Alexander Bane [b]Preferred Name:[/b] Aussir Denthanus [b]Race:[/b] Half-Dragon (White)/Half Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 130 [b]Birthday:[/b] Mauven 32nd 171 DM [b]Birthplace:[/b] Pyresia [b]Resides in:[/b] The wild AKA a tent [b]Occupation:[/b] Mercenary [b]Appearance:[/b] Alex, or Aussir as he prefers to call himself, stands a good 7'3" tall. His wings, when extended fully, are exactly 11' even. Aussir's scales are somewhat a unique color, something inherited from his father; they are pure white with a slightly bluish tint around the edges of each scale. As a reptile in nature, he has the typical characteristics of vertically slitted eyes beguiling nearly all reptiles. When angered, Aussir's eyes tend to glow slightly; once fully enraged, the glow becomes brighter and smoke can be seen escaping the sides of his mouth. His upper body is muscular, as one would expect from the training he endured, though his lower body is slightly less so. His wings are of a unique shape, another quality inherited from his father, though he is not able to use them for flight as a result. The [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/220/0/c/0c136b5c56fd13046766ee65c4826572-d6ha2cv.jpg]design[/url] allows for gliding purposes, coupled with the fact he can use them as an intimidation tactic should the situation call for it. [b]Personality:[/b] Having been born in a place where there are other Dragonkin, Aussir has grown well socially, having made many acquaintances with his kin and the other races who dwell in the surrounding area. This has benefitted Aussir greatly, as he is confident, yet also humble. He is kind to those who have shown him respect, and he respects those who show him kindness in return. However, he is not oblivious to where he is in the social ladder, he is a half-breed after all. His mother, a human, had taught him about the emotions of forgiveness and understanding. Even as his father helped raise Aussir in his ways, she did her best to instill some humanity in him, and for the most part, she had succeeded. However, the loneliness a Dragonkin felt was the one thing she could never take away. When she finally passed away and his father abandoned him, his loneliness only intensified, having started to close himself off from his kin. [b]History:[/b] ~Will be revealed in RP~ [b]Skills:[/b] Intimidation - 50 (30+20) Melee Weapon (Greatsword) - 15 Melee Ranged (Javelin) - 15 Bodybuilding - 15 Wilderness Survival - 15 Interrogation - 10 [b][i]Special Abilities[/i][/b] Fire Breath Fire Immunity Darkvision "Flight" (Read as Gliding) [b][i]Languages[/i][/b] Common (fluent) Draconic (fluent) [b]Possessions:[/b] 1 Heirloom Greatsword | Starting | 60 GP 5 Javelins | Starting | 5 GP 5 Peasant's Outfit | Starting | 5 SP 5 Cold Weather Outfit | Starting | 40 GP 10 Meat, Chunk | Starting | 3 GP 30 Firewood | Starting | 30 CP 1 Breastplate (Bronze) | Starting | 50 GP 1 Greaves (Bronze) | Starting | 15 GP 1 Vambracer (Bronze) | Starting | 13 GP (Rounded up) 1 Survival Kit | Starting | 53 GP, 4 SP, 4 CP 1 Horse, Heavy | Starting | 200 GP 1 Bit & Bridle | Starting | 2 GP 2 Saddlebags, Large | Starting | 16 GP 20 Horse Feed | Starting | 1 GP [b]Ledger:[/b] Cost | Item | Subtotal 200 GP | Starting Money | 100 GP 1000 GP | No House | 1100 GP -358 GP, 7 SP, 74 CP | Starting Purchases | 841 GP, 2 SP, 26 CP [b]Story List:[/b] Date - URL - Characters involved