[center][h3]Corporate War Zone - Warden's Office 21/6/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] The attack succeeded, and the Warden was vulnerable now, the giant prisoner's arm swung in a wide arc as the party blasted it with all they had, causing it to flinch away. Now was the time to attack. Rui led the charge with a Gale Slash, to ensure they would even get a hit in. [color=slategray]"Now again! Everyone charge!"[/color], if they were lucky, they could possibly end this in this single attack. Though the Warden didn't look completely helpless, and while very vulnerable, it still wielded a police baton. Still nothing to a Persona's spell, but if anyone wanted to get close they might have to be careful. [center][h3]Play of Control - Backstage Penthouse 21/6/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] The fight was becoming grueling, the problem for Megumi was she needed to scan each one individually, it became clear pretty soon that the swordsmen were simply weak, while fast, they went down quickly, but they moved quickly too. The gunner and mage were a simple fare too, but the biggest problem was the bodyguards. They just seemed like a big thick wall, Megumi's scans weren't coming up with much. The team needed to coordinate against this. [color=royalblue]"Hrgh..."[/color], Kazuki finally slew yet another swordsman shadow. [color=royalblue]"I guess that's worth a shot. I'll get ready to get in on the opening, Akane you lead on as bait"[/color], his orders were made. It was time to see how this plan would pan out.