[center][img] http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=156425&s=55&t=Drifter&c=FF99FF[/img] [H2][color=AFEEEE]AVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA[/color][/H2] [url=http://rs798.pbsrc.com/albums/yy264/animetron/Anime%20PNG%20Pictures%202ND/MakinamiIllustriousMari-3.png?w=480&h=480&fit=clip]WILD GIRL[/url][/center] [Color=Tomato]" All right Squits I need you all to put your collective heads together and design a streamlined light duty and a specialized pack to carry zip cuffs, lift harness and field medic kit. Then I want a heavy streamlined pack for rescue operations that a field doctor would be thankful to have after the worst natural disaster. Next I need a flight helmet complete with HUD navigational display with text and video capabilities. Oh and an oxygen compressor for high altitude work with a hip pouch or helmet mounted teleoptic camera so I can zoom on targets from 2,000 meters."[/color] snapped Jess as she was landing once more back at League HQ. This time the roof watch simply waved her through having already encountered her which she cataloged as something to think about. Soon she was stepping through her door and into her quarters where she drifted into the air as ghostly magnetic attendants pulled the sweaty flight suit off her body. Then floating across the main towards her private bath Jessica stripped off her undergarments and landed near the shower. Not yet familiar with the water here at her new home's system she turned on the water without touching the controls waited a moment then tested the heat with a hand three times before approving it as suitable. She was happy to see that her squint handlers had unpacked her things completely as she gazed around her little tile lined heaven filled with a steamy rain storm for her pleasure. Her scrubs, hair and skin products all containing the right amount of metal on the containers or grooming tools meaning that while she bathed she could practice multitasking control. When she'd Initially made the request to have her bath products ferro'd as she called it her handlers had thought she was just being silly till she explained that doing so meant she could practice control in so mundane manner as to render it second nature. Now every item she had including her underware had a strip or metal wire in them so that she need never actually touch anything unless she wanted or had to. Her shower finished. Jess floated above the wet tiles and was seemingly attacked by two fluffy towels that she used to dry herself. [center][H2][color=AFEEEE]AVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA[/color] BACK IN THE LOUNGE[/H2][/center] Famished after her deployment Jess floated through the door an into the facility lounge ready to eat a side of beef and a bushel of veggies., She chose a loaded sub sandwich and watching her make it was like a scene out of a Ron Ferret wizard boy movie as metal utensils helped her as if wielded by ghostly hands.