[@dragonslayer1][@Rusalka][@Queentze] Griffin hated the carriage ride. Not because the bumps that jarred him every other second but because the carriage was small enclosed and crowded. Three of his least favorite things in one. He gritted his teeth and looked out the window hoping that the ride wouldn't be long. He was grateful when they finally arrived at the town. He hurried out of the carriage and looked around? This was the town? How the hell had they had enough money for a guild request? Not that he cared about the money. He didn't. He was here to prove his skills and abilities. He looked around wondering if he would be able to see the ghost or if he would have to go into the shadows to see them. When Jocelyn screamed his name he spun around and threw on of his shadow knifes at the creature. If that didn't work then he work he would try going into the shadow realm and attacking.