[activate [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EphFQelYhp8]inspiring music[/url]] The sky was a gorgeous pure blue and the wind a gentle breeze. Hoovering above a small sized cloud was James and from this height the entire world below seemed so minuscule to the hero. Soon he would have to meet with the team at the league's headquarters and would probably get a stern talking to by their leader for not getting there sooner, but James wanted to spend time in the sky and take in the incredible feeling of a man who is able to fly. He just wished that his dad could have been here to see him do such amazing things and his mind wander to memories of his father. His father use to say to him that the sky was where God and his angels could look down upon the mortals below. If this was how the angels got see the world then James could see why all holy men looked to the sky when searching for God and his heavenly kingdom. James was given a blessing with these incredible gifts and he could not waste them. Another thing his father had told him was that when God gives you a gift then it is best to use it to our fullest potential. after his father had died James was determined to honor his memory and wishes by using his powers for the greater good. That's one of the reasons he loved football so much, it was a sport that reached so many people and the players were heroes in their own right and each with their own unique skills that made the team. James was a team player and he saw no problem with joining a team that had others like him. For him this would be a great chance to do more good and make his dad proud. The sky was a great place to find peace and silence away from the busy and chaotic world of human civilization. Up there one could not hear the sounds of car horns blaring and the shouts of angry people. No up there all that could be heard was the blowing wind, and the feel of the sun and cool breeze against his face. After floating there for nearly half an hour James decided that it was time to get back to the base and see how his teammates were doing. He put back on his helmet and took off at supersonic speeds creating a sonic boom in his wake. His trip back to HQ wasn't a long one and upon nearing the base he slowed down his flight speed so that he didn't have a rough landing. Once his feet smoothly touched the soft ground, James headed for the entrance to the league's base and upon entering the building he called to whoever might be in there. "Hello, is anyone here?" he called out and waited for a response. James' hoped that he had not missed any action and missed time to build his teamwork skills with his comrades.