[b]Kotori Shirohane - Corporate War Zone: Floor 2, Warden's Office | Sunday[/b] As it turned out, Kotori's worry was unwarranted - the combined strikes of the four managed to blast the giant shadow's fist wide; sending its attack far off course and unbalancing it enough to give them a brief window of opportunity. She quickly glanced around to assure herself that no one got caught in any suprise attack before Rui headed the charge; calling for everyone to focus their fire on the far smaller warden. Though it appeared tiny compared to the enormous shadow behind him and almost frail, it was still a person's shadow - which had always proven to be a foe to be taken very seriously in the past. Though Ayano hadn't foreseen any hidden attacks from the warden, Kotori couldn't help but remain fearfully wary as she called for Kikuri-Hime to unleash a Zionga attack on the warden. A brief flash and thundering echo accompanied the magical attack as the lightning bolt struck home; leaving a by now more heavily breathing Kotori to nervously glance between the warden to see if their attacks had any effect, the giants to be prepared for when it was ready to strike again as well as the other three group members should they require any assistance to due counter-attacks or other such surprises.