[b]The Hunt For Diana[/b] Nadira looked toward the shop-keeper who had responded to her, then gave the dwarf a glance. [b]“I'm Nadira, although it seems everyone here seems to know that already”[/b] troubling thought that. [b]”Mindflayers? Well, there’s always something, isn’t there?”[/b] she heard her companion say followed by [b]“Well, I suppose it’s down into the underground we go. I hope no one is claustrophobic.”[/b] [b]“Not claustrophobic, just not a fan of the underground”[/b] Nadira shuddered. [i][/i] she had not heard a lot more from her brother, she hoped he was ok, at this distance she couldn't feel his pain so really had no way to know. Nadira sighed and motioned for anyone but herself to lead. [b]“I suppose we better be going then, anyone feel free to lead on.. I'd rather bring up the rear”[/b] As she waited for someone to make she shuddered once more, perhaps coming home wasn't such a good idea after all. Hopefully Diana wasn't hiding too deep in these chasms and they would not have to deal with mindflayers.. wishful thinking but a girl could hope.