[h2][b][center][color=B0C4DE]Gyro-AKA Brian Michelson[/color][/center][/b][/h2] Brian woke up hours later in a hospital bed. He had a splinted left arm and some stitches on the right one. In the room with him was a nurse checking his IV and making sure he was comfortable. She looked into his eyes and jumped back. [color=f6989d]"Oh!! You scared me, did not know you woke up yet. Well the doctor is not back yet, but we can still run the initial test."[/color] After checking his eye and reflex movement she stared to tell him about his condition.[color=f6989d]"So you had four broken ribs, a fractured ankle, a broken arm, we were able to remove the shrapnel from your arm and you need 28 stitches. But due to the moderns of medical science we have healed your leg and stitches, but we could not do your arm because it would have been to much stress on your body. Any questions?"[/color] Brian cracked a dry smile and looked at her. [color=B0C4DE]"Why do you guys always make people wear these butt-less gowns, I mean I don't like that breeze at all."[/color] The nurse rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. [center][b]A Few Hours Later[/b][/center] Brian had become restless in his room, from the old soap-operas on television to the crappy generic jelly. He was mad that the doctor said he had to wait a few more hours before being released, but that he was just [i]fine.[/i] What kind of crap was that, just fine, if he was just fine then why was he still here. Brain got fed up and pulled out the IV, and ,made sure his but was not sticking out. Then he proceeded to sneak out and back into the main building for some food and television. Its not like he was breaking any rules, he just wanted to watch some shit get blown up on TV and eat some chips. Getting out was easier than expected, considering the amount of staff here, but he did have to sweet talk one of the younger nurses into letting him go. When he got back into HQ he went straight for the lounge with the kitchen, he went straight for the cabinets and pulled down a bag of lays opened it and started to eat. Brian enjoyed the saltiness of the food and went back into the lounge and sat down on the couch, turned the TV to sports center and kicked back.