[hider=Li Severcrest] Name: Li Severcrest Race:Tengu Gender: Male Age: 25 Birthday: Saffra 14, 276 Birthplace: Silent Rise Resides in: Stone Crest Occupation: Adventurer Appearance: Li compared to the other males of the Tengu race could be considered small, only 6'2 in height and a wing span of 11'. Li has vibrant blue eyes and patches of white feathers that stick out like stars among his black plumage. Personality: Although Li is overly cautious to the point of paranoia, once someone is able to befriend him, he will without a doubt have complete loyalty. Because of Li cautious nature, even since childhood, he did not make as strong of a bond with his parents like other Tengu should have. To other Tengu, this would be a huge fault, but to Li, this allowed him to appreciate being independent, but to also grow cunning and learn to con anyone that is not his friends or family. History: Writing through RP Skills: Riding [5] Aerobatics [+ 25 Racial] Aurism [10] Hunting [5] Herbalism [5] Tracking [10] Intimidation [5] Juggling [5] Throwing Weapon (Dagger) [20] Endurance [10] Scouting [5] Observation [10] Possessions: Quantity | Item | Acquired | Value 1 | Chain Shirt | Starting | 100 gp 1 | Craftsman's Outfit, (adventurer) | Starting |1 GP 1 | Studded Leather | Starting | 25 GP 1 | Chain Shirt | Starting | 100 GP 1 | Leather Fauld, Tassets | 8.5 GP 20 | Cold iron Dagger | Starting | 120 GP 2 | Glow crystals | Starting | 140 gp 1 | Horse, Light, Warhorse | Starting | 150 Gp 1 | Bit and Bridle | Starting | 2 GP 1 | Feed (Per day) | Starting | 5 CP 1 | Saddle, Riding | Starting | 10 GP 1 | Antitoxin (Vial) | Starting | 50 GP 1 | Poison | Starting |45 GP 1 | Survival/Travel Kit | Starting | 54 gp 1 | Lock, Average | Starting | 40 GP 3 | Manacles, Simple | Starting | 15 GP 1 | Crowbar | Starting | 2 GP [b]Ledger:[/b] 200 GP | Starting Money | 100 GP 1000 GP | No House | 1100 GP -868 GP | Starting Purchases | 232 GP Story List: Saffra 32nd, 301dm [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/93572-ebonfort-the-simplest-of-hunts/ic]"The Simplest of Hunts"[/url] Ralen & Li Severcrest [/hider]