[hider=Yueliang] [hider=Normal Appearance] [img]http://img05.deviantart.net/34ce/i/2005/083/3/6/spoilsbury_toast_boy_by_lascaux.jpg[/img] [/hider] (Pic's too damn big!) [hider=Appearance After Soul Link] [img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/578a/f/2012/212/7/0/sun_wukong_by_blkmatrx-d5992wb.jpg[/img] "[color=f26522]He essentially becomes me with very little trace of him (the genitals). It makes me... uncomfortable.[/color]" [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] "[color=f26522]He hasn't revealed his true name to me yet so I have called him 'Yueliang'[/color]" [b]Age:[/b] "[color=f26522]I don't know his age either but I'm willing to bet it's somewhere between 15 to 17.[/color]" [b]Gender:[/b] "[color=f26522]Male. I know, I checked.[/color]" [b]Birthplace:[/b] "[color=f26522]While I found him in China, he seems to be of Western descent. Probably European.[/color]" [b]Personality:[/b] "[color=f26522]He is... eccentric... and... lost in his own world, doing things that only make sense to him. Don't expect him to hear or see things the way they are. And I don't mean that in some cool, mystical way. He also seems to have a short attention span, sometimes really short. Oh and he calls me Jaira. I have no idea why but that's a given. Regardless, I'm sure the things he sees have something to do with his past. And I intend to uncover that.[/color]" [b]Bio:[/b] "[color=f26522]All I know about him is that he is my partner and he responded to my call. After introducing myself (something he probably doesn't remember), I asked him who he is. He gave me a name actually, it was "Richard". However, when I called him "Richard", he didn't respond and told me his name was "Ernest". It was then I knew he was feeding me bullcrap. At first I thought he was messing with me but after spending some time, I came to know that he was really just weird. I'd have left it at him just being weird or retarded if it weren't for the note that I found in his pockets when I found him.[/color]" [hider=NOTE #1] You're a piece of s***. That's all you will ever be. A piece of s***. You think somebody's gonna come to your aid? You think if you scream 'Help!', someone will come thundering down for your safety? Well you're wrong. No one's coming. No one's coming for you. You're alone. That's why you're here. With everybody else, you're nothing but s***. Ready to be processed. Run away as much as you want. Go ahead. I f***ing dare you. But in the end, you'll always be here. As a piece of s***. - Dr. Richie C. [/hider] [b]Other:[/b] "[color=f26522]When we Soul Link, I assume full control of his body. It feels like that he relinquishes it to me completely. I suppose it's alright in a way, since I do not have to argue what to do in battle and I get to enjoy physical luxuries. It also lets me prevent him from acting really weird in public which means I'm Soul Linked to him most of the time. It's a little taxing but it has to be done.[/color]" [/hider] --GUARDIAN-- [hider=Sun Wukong] [hider=Butterfly Form] [img]http://redgage-photos.s3.amazonaws.com/duffee/orange%20and%20white%20butterfly.jpg[/img] [/hider] (Pic is still too damn big) [hider=True Form] [img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/578a/f/2012/212/7/0/sun_wukong_by_blkmatrx-d5992wb.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Sun Wukong (she believes she's a direct descendant of the Monkey God) [b]Class:[/b] Weapon [b]Weapon:[/b] Staff (Primary) [b]Magic Powerz:[/b] Air Sun can release powerful gusts of wind upon her foes which usually ends with the latter being blown away or at worst, get cut. She also uses this ability to make her strikes harder. Control of air also grants her a small degree of levitation and she can propel herself in great speeds. The safety of the latter is questionable so it is seldomly used. She can also summon a little cloud for her to ride on and take her to places. Other people can ride the cloud so long as Sun permits them to. Otherwise, the cloud will disappear upon being embarked by someone other than Sun. [b]Personality:[/b] Loud, cheerful and upbeat, Sun is a bright person who doesn't hesitate to butt in other people's businesses. If there's a problem, she wants to be part of the solution, never thinking she might actually be worsening the problem. Despite being direct descendant of the Monkey God, or at least she claims to anyway, she's kind-hearted and rarely wishes ill upon others nor is she particularly intelligent. Still, she shares one trait of the Monkey God: being a bit mischievous. The only time she becomes melancholic is when her charge, Yueliang, is involved. She pities the boy and tries to uncover the past to solve the present. Or at least get some answers. [/hider]