[@RaeoftheLight] The man looked at Moeasha's out stretched hand strangely, he then pulled out an ornate abacus with shiny baubles and beads from a sack on the donkey. The different rows held beads of different sizes and colours. The ones at the top being the most prestigious, representing a higher sum of money. The whole thing was compounded with all manner of other clever trickery for maths astronomy and measuring. Tools Azerus had never seen before and probably never will again. The poshly gentleman releases his counting devise and it stays perfectly put, hovering sturdily in the air. With a few tinkering touches the dials and beads quickly scatter, sliding across the bars to one end or the other. There it was, their full sum payment represented as different shaped baubles sliding across a silver slider. It looked beautiful, one side heavily out weighing the other. [b]"This was the deal I had with the shadow wolves, however it was not the deal I had with you..."[/B] A few of the smaller lower bar beads zip to the other end. [b]"I don't owe you the frivolities of past relations."[/B] The man tilts his head examining his counting device, his top hat magicallybstaying put in its positioning on his head, defying gravity. [b]"I am kind and understanding so I will cover the expenses to the town done by the trouble makers."[/B] He looks up with a kind smile. [b]"But."[/B] His finger starts tapping against his strong smooth jaw line. Then stops. [b]"There is the matter of the tavern wall."[/B] A mid sized bead darts away from the favouring side. [b]"and the eight men you assaulted and injured, bones don't mend cheap you know."[/B] he gives Azerus a stern eye as even more baubles pile up on the other side. Azerus gave it a quick count. It was still a little more than double Moeasha's original job. That was until more beads started flying across. [b]"Lastly there is the insurance pay for the shadow wolves you beat up, the extra travelling distance and security detail to reach fairytail (to deposit the funds), an extra gate tax and town inspection tax. "[/b] The lower bar small beads battered from one side to the other until they had all crossed over, then at once they all slammed back as one of the larger beads from the row above slid over in its place. This continued and was happening so quick the abacus became a blur of colour as it recalculated there payment. As it settled Azerus quickly counted the remaining beads on their side. Half of what Moeasha's first job would have been. [b]"Your payment will be delivered to the guild."[/b] says the man as he puts away his counting device and gives a humble bow before retreating towards the town with his donkey. Azerus just shrugs his shoulders and looks to Moeasha.