[s]Just wanted to post what I had finished so far before I went to bed, I will finish it in the morning[/s]

[h1][color=#DC143C]Blake Rogers[/color][/h1]
Fiesty ~ Hard-headed ~ Reckless ~ Harsh at times ~ Stubborn ~ Cold at times ~ Caring though she hates showing it ~ Protective but once again doesn't like showing it
Blake was once a pretty kind, sweet girl(surprisingly) that was until her mom died in a car accident and her father began to ignore her drowning himself in his work. This cause the girl to have to learn how to mourn on her own which ended up changing her into how she is today, although her old personality is still deep inside of her. 

As time passed Blake kept doing reckless things to get herself in trouble at school and occasionally with the police. Her dad would simply act like he cared in front of the authorities but when it was just them he simply reprimanded her for dragging him away from work, not for getting in trouble which just drove her to keep doing the bad things trying to get a reaction out of him but it never worked. So now-a-days you can see her vandalizing walls with graffiti, stealing things from stores, picking fights with idiots, and many other things. None of them actually bring her joy minus the graffiti which she likes because she loves art.
[color=#DC143C][u]Digimon Partner[/u][/color]
None yet
She loves art and carries a small sketchbook with her wherever she goes

Butthead, Dumb Dog (Just a few Blake calls him when they clash)
Fiesty ~ Fierce ~ Hard-headed ~ Strong combat instinct ~ Stubborn ~ Wild at times(tends to like to bite, snap, and headbutt Blake) ~ Protective ~ Caring (the last two traits are rarely seen but it's obvious that despite Blake and Dorumon butting heads and clashing with eachother due to their personalities they have a mutual feeling of actually caring about eachother)
Blake Rogers
[color=#5959AB][u]Evolution line[/u][/color]
[hider=Fresh ~ Dodomon]

[hider=In-Training ~ Dorimon]

[hider=Rookie ~ Dorumon]

[hider=Champion ~ Dorugamon]

[hider=Ultimate ~ DoruGreymon]

[hider=Mega ~ Alphamon]
