[hider=Jackson Trent][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/NKovN8B.png?1[/img]
[sub]”My dreams used to be rampant with monsters and fears, turning them into ugly, twisted nightmares, hellbent on tormenting me. Now, I will become the light to drive those monsters away.”[/sub]
[sup][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXRviuL6vMY]STRESSED ØUT[/url][/sup][/center]

[indent]Jackson Trent[/indent]
[indent]Jack, [sub]sex on a stick (imo)[/sub].[/indent]
[indent]Canadian, though no one would know what that means.[/indent]
[indent] [sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][/sub].[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]              |[b]height.[/b] [i]6’0”[/i] |[b]weight.[/b] [i]176 lbs[/i] |[b]hair.[/b] [i]brown[/i] |[b]eyes.[/b] [i]green[/i]
Though not the most efficient worker in his mine, Jackson is definitely the strongest and most agile. Having to swing a heavy pickaxe all day, coupled with his daily training in his self-made basement, has made him able to lift the heavy tools of a miner with great finesse. This also helps when wielding his greatsword, as he can go for more swift and fluid movements, rather than just be lugging dead weight around. What most people first notice about Jackson, however, is the tired, weary look in his eyes - one of a man burdened by fear and doubt, yet with no reason or understanding of why. There is also another look in his eyes, however, and it is that of a kind, considerate soul, who tries his hardest to support and protect those he holds close to him, even though he may not always show it. It is this kindness, the spark of gold in his eyes, that people are attracted to, and it makes for a good, solid understanding that despite his mood swings, and tendency to say things how they are, Jackson will forever be true to those he cares about.[/indent]
[indent]Since he’s had to blend in with the other workers in the mine until he finally found his destiny, Jackson hasn’t really adopted much of a clothing style. He can often be seen in plain, un-logoed shirts, ranging from black to white, with 50 (8, actually) Shades of Grey inbetween, paired with plain old denim jeans, and heavy-duty combat boots. All of his clothing is kept in good condition, though, and he’s (fortunately) able to wash them regularly.[/indent]


[indent]Jackson, despite seeming like an optimist, is a down-to-Earth realist. He doesn’t particularly like being too pessimistic, though not so optimistic that he gets people’s hopes up, with the possibility of letting them down. He often surveys the situation in a calm manner, providing his peers with a strategic, thought-out approach. Also, despite being rather strong for someone of his type, he completely hates the idea of someone being classed as the weakest link. Therefore, Jackson includes every single person with him in his approaches to a situation, and exercises all of each person’s skills.

Being a man who was once shackled within Galatec’s ideology and idealistic ways has had a toll on Jackson, especially with the painful thought that it might happen again. To believe he was once of enough idiocy to believe that this new dictatorship was all fine, and that Galatec could kiss all of his booboos better is both frightening and sickening to him, and he has tried his hardest to prove to people - despite the fact barely anybody doubts him - that it wasn’t him, and it was just Galatec dragging him along like a dog on a leash. This can sometimes bleed into his handling of situations, causing all his beforehand calm and realistic approach to go down the drain, and sometimes becoming so severe he spirals into a blind rage. Even now and again he has sudden mood swings, be it the same compelling rage, or Galatec’s lighting taking a toll on him. However, he manages to beat all the odds and continue, no matter what obstacles he faces. He also never lets this affect his view on people - everyone is equal, and there will never be a need for labelling one by their skills or limits, simply by good or evil motives.[/indent]
[indent][list][*]The Power Rangers
[*] White noise - his radio was broken for a few weeks, but he eventually started listening to the static coming from it, and it seemed to calm him, like the waves of the sea.
[*] The silent moments that come and go from time to time, where the world seems to slow, and just for one moment, be it a fraction of a second or an entire minute, one can finally find peace where they thought all was lost.
[*] Pushing and breaking his limits, and discovering that he can do what he thought impossible before.
[*] Protecting people
[*] The greater good[/list][/indent]
[indent][list][*] Galatec
[*] His job
[*] Being unable to drink publicly without the risk of coming under Galatec’s control
[*] His parents being under Galatec’s influence[/list][/indent]
[indent][list][*] Slipping back under Galatec’s control
[*] Not being able to find the Power Rangers
[*] Being unable to save New Earth, especially his parents
[*] Galatec defeating the Power Rangers
[*] Failing the Rangers, if he ever finds them
[*] Dying on the job[/list][/indent]
[indent]He has a particular, “friendship”, with his tomahawk. Turns out when it’s just you and an old weapon against the world, you start talking to it. It’s not like it talks back to him, so it should be fine, right?[/indent]



That’s what Jackson was born into. A life before Galatec. One where his mother and father cared about him and actually loved him. Of course, he didn’t know that. His life was just mining rocks, searching for god knows what. Day in, day out, the sound of pickaxes clanging at stone was the norm now. He’d found a few keepsakes down there, one of which looked like a small axe, but never really knew what they were for. Why did people need weapons and all these strange items when they had Galatec? That was the thought planted in his mind, the one he was forced to think constantly.

Until the Power Rangers.

At first, Jackson was like everyone else - he saw them as nothing more than troublemakers, terrorising the city. But the more and more they expressed their motives and attempted to bring hope to New Earth, the more and more the glimmer of hope that was still embedded in his mind shined through. It got bigger and bigger every day, and he remembered more and more about this once alienated concept - [i]freedom.[/i] What was once something he had no clue of was now the very thing he was grasping for, the only thing that mattered for him. His mind was no longer fixated on work, and he was determined to follow suit of the very people that set him free from this faux happiness that was hiding the true world away from everyone.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t going to be that easy. With no way of actually contacting the Power Rangers, and no safe or guaranteed way that he’d be able to help them, he had to just wait it out. Though, that was harder than first thought. The great pressure hailing down from his parents to get a job with Galatec’s higher-ups, and the growing paranoia that one slip up would eventually lead to him getting caught. Despite this, however, he had to gulp it all down and train, as well as going to his regular job in the mines to remain under the radar and reduce suspicion. Eventually he’d managed to utilise his mining skills to create a makeshift training ground under the house, and then had the difficult job of keeping it a secret from his parents. Luckily for him, they were all “work work work, Galatec is the greatest, work work work”.

That seemed to be it for a while, with Jackson training his tomahawk skills and keeping a low profile in the mines, until one day, his life was changed. It was another day of digging at rocks nonchalantly, pitying all the children slaving away, with their labour unbeknownst to them, when he spotted something shimmering on the floor. He quickly pocketed it, and after taking it home and rubbing it clean of all the dirt and grime, he realised what it was - [i]the Prism Morpher.[/i] With that, he packed what few things Galatec allowed him to keep from his past, and set off on a journey to find the Power Rangers, and free New Earth...[/indent]
[indent][list][*] Extremely skilled with a tomahawk
[*] Animalistic instincts & reflexes
[*] Can see multiple approaches to a problem
[*] Agile on his feet
[*] A linear understanding of science
[*] Apparently quite the singer[/list][/indent]
[indent][list][*] His perpetual mood swings
[*] He always sees the good in people
[*] Can sometimes be quick to judge
[*] Not exactly the one to sugar coat things
[*] His hate for labelling people as the “runt” or “weakest link/member” can sometimes lead to him overestimating people[/list][/indent]
[indent]None. Zero. Nil.[/indent]
[indent][list][*] An old mining torch
[*] A tomahawk that he found whilst mining one day
[*] 10 shirts
[*] 4 pairs of jeans
[*] A pair of combat boots
[*] A pair of old sneakers
[*] An old scarf
[*] A hiking backpack (that holds all his stuff)
[*] 7 bottles of water
[*] A sleeping bag
[*] 9 MRE kits[/list][/indent]


[indent]“Cross your fingers.”[/indent]
[indent]To understand his place, and free everyone from the shackles they’ve been unknowingly clamped into.[/indent][/hider]