[color=0054a6]Alpha the Typhlosion[/color] Alpha was still deep in sleep, when was time to wake and go to school. Alarm goes off probably for the millionth time, but Alpha only punched it with his fist so that it slowed down "Oh thank you..." he muttered to himself rolling over. A moment went and he was in a deep sleep again. 10 minutes later the alarm goes off again. Opening his eyes ALpha looked at the alarm "come on..." he muttered angrily, punching the alarm to stop. Sighing he got up and sat down on the edge of the bed. [color=f26522]Rowan the Raichu[/color] Rowan came from the shower and walked to his closet to get some clothes. Thinking for a moment he taked his most usual shirt and dressed it. After brushing his hair he walkeou to his room and make his way toward the cafeteria. Looking aroung he saw some others there as well. but didn't really care about them. He just taked some bread and coffee, then sit down to a empty seat which he was founded.