[b]Starting Date and Time:[/b] Saffra 32nd, 301DM, mid-morning [b]Starting Location:[/b] Outside Stone Crest [b]CS URLs:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/83037-ebonfort/char?page=3#post-3501781]Ralen[/url] & [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/83037-ebonfort/char?page=3#post-3502125]Li Severcrest[/url] Ralen leaned against a large boulder, desperately attempting to catch his breath. He was baking inside his plate armor despite the chilly weather, and his lungs sucked in air like a furnace. Even with his helmet's visor down he felt like he was suffocating, a notion that intellectually he realized was ridiculous, but was in a state of half-panic all the same. [i]Damned mountains,[/i] Ralen thought. Why couldn't the beast live in some nice plains or a scenic forest? It would certainly be more enjoyable to hunt. Shortly after formally partnering with Li, he had come to the realization that there was a significant lack of decent work in their line of business for men with little experience. Few merchants were willing to hire guards with no one to vouch for their reliability; after all, they could be bandits. So Ralen had somewhat rashly come to the decision to do some great deed to get Li and him noticed. It was important to establish a reputation, and what better way to begin one than by hunting a Wyvern? Of course he had not told Li that last part. Knowing him, he would flat-out refuse such a notion, desiring to earn their reputation through decidedly less impressive means. And so Ralen found himself nearly puking blood halfway up a mountain top in the pursuit of a creature that he was finding himself less and less sure existed. In between desperate gasps of air, he swore to himself that he would strangle the barkeep that told him a Wyvern made its home on these mountains when he got back down, likely crawling. Wiping the sweat off his forehead with half-soaked rag, he looked up to check their progress. [i]Just halfway more[/i]...curse it all. With a groan, he lurched back into motion, following Li further up the mountain.