Alright done! [center] For humans [img][/img] [color=00a651]Name:[/color] Eric Burns [color=00a651]Age:[/color] 15 [color=00a651]Gender:[/color] Male [color=00a651]Personality:[/color] Mentally weak and almost fragile phyisically. Appears to be nice at first glance but is cunning ang evil on the inside, he just chooses to hide it. [color=00a651]History:[/color] Eric always had a small hatred for other people ever since his parents dropped him off with his aunt and uncle and never returned. It was this hatred that inspired him to work through any mental abuse put in his way as he adopted the guise of a sweet, innocent person. He used this to secretly undermine those with a "happy life" by getting close to them and enacting a swift betrayal due to his jealousy. [color=00a651]Crest:[/color] Envy [color=00a651]Digimon Partner:[/color] DemiDevimon [color=00a651]Crush/lover:[/color] TBA/None yet [color=00a651]Other:[/color] [/center] [center] For Digimon [img][/img] [color=00a651]Name:[/color] DemiDevimon [color=00a651]Nickname:[/color] Batty (due to his bat-like appearance and it also meaning insane) [color=00a651]Personality:[/color] Mischievous and coniving. Constantly picks on his partner in hopes of bringing out the evil side he loves to see and matches his own evil personality. [color=00a651]History(opt): -[/color] (to be added later, probably) [color=00a651]Partner:[/color] Eric Burns [color=00a651]Evolution line:[/color] [hider=Zurumon - Fresh] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Pagumon - In-Training] [img][/img] [/hider] DemiDevimon - Rookie [hider=Devimon - Champion] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=NeoDevimon - Ultimate] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Daemon - Mega] [img][/img] [/hider] [color=00a651]Other:[/color] [/center]