[center][b]Avery Heart[/b] [i]"Yoohoo..Avery, please wake up."[/i] Avery laid on a bed of large leaves and other plant life. His head was hurting bad and couldn't tell what was going on. Headaches and strange dreams seem to didn't mix well."[i]Avery! please don't be dead[/i]" the voice manged to get through to Avery this time. The white haired boy sat up fast, holding his head in pain."Urg.. i had a strange dream that a bird creature was calling my name."He muttered to his self. He blink when saw the bird creature and scooted back, pitching his skin."Wake up Avery, wake up man.." he stopped when his arm was red from the pitching."Owww.." "Hey, im not a talking bird creature Avery, my name is Hawkmon and this is no dream..so please, stop hurting your self ok? your going to make me worry." Hawkmon inched closer to him, but Avery only backed up."W-What are you? where am? How do you know my name?" "I am a digimon silly and your in the digital world right now. I've been waiting on you for a long time Avery, thats how i know. Anyway,you and i are partners. Together with others, we are going to save the digital world like the humans before you. Isn't that cool?" Hawkmon smiled. Avery was speechless..he needed time to get this all in before replying [b]Dylan Walker[/b] As Dylan walked in the forest, his digimon phascomon followed behind him." Damn it! can you stop following mean you little koala looking freak? how many times do i have to say this, im not you partner, not your friend, not anything." he growled and stomped at him. phascomon hugged his leg and looked at him with big eyes. "But master, i need your help to get stronger and you need my help as well. P-Please..don't you want more power? don't you want get revenge on those who bully you? i can help you..t-trust me." phascomon said Dylan was shocked."How did you know that?! urg, anyway.." he stroked his head. Power? he didn't care for it,but if it would help bring his wrath upon the world,then so be it. A smirk came across his face."Humm..well, that does interesting. Ok..from this point on phasco whatever, i'll be your partner." Phascomon nodded and nudged him."Umhum!."[/center]