[b][center]Sarah's Request[/center][/b] Her nostrils flared and eyes widened as the door was opened and she stared ahead, her skin crawling as she felt a wave of unease come over her as she sensed disturbing energies from ahead. The warrior among them nearly fell into a pit but she ignored it, staring at the Dwarves. Or more to the point their vacant expressions and the monotone of their voices when they warned them to go back. Gritting her teeth as she recalled seeing something similar on several occasions in her past. She spoke up after the warrior woman told the small folk that they were here to rescue them and she let out a dry and humorless chuckle in response. "Don't bother." She murmured to the party, "I sense a... kind of magic emanating from them... psionics..." She growled and gritted her teeth, her eyes narrowing as she put a hand on her blade strapped to her waist. "Seeing as we are in the Underdark... might be Ilithids, your kind calls them mind flayers, those Dwarves are being controlled... weak minded idiots, wandering into places they shouldn't." She muttered. "Either we obey whatever their masters tell them to... or we need to take them out." She looked at Eins and smiled sweetly, "Doing our best to knock them out or otherwise restrain of course... because in this state they will have no difficulty whatsoever trying to kill us, if that is the wish of whatever or whoever is controlling them." She snorts, "Can try and see if I can seduce my way to their minds, assuming these Dwarves know how to appreciate Drow beauty such as myself." She traces a lock of hair back from her face, not really looking forward to seduce a bunch of Dwarves of all things, mind controlled ones at that. "We either go back, try to break the hold of whatever is controlling them... kill them... or try and knock them out." She shrugged, "I'm willing to try and see if my words and appearance might snap them out of it, unless one of you or bookworm over there has a better idea."