[h1][center][color=RoyalBlue][i]Ryan Alon[/i][/color][/center][/h1] Ryan woke up in the middle of the fight, in awe as the party used other monsters to fight the guy who was pretending to be him. He backed away a bit more as the giant monster broke free, but let out a sigh of relief as Rui did a cool thing with his sword and beheaded the monster. Ryan was still pretty confused about everything and he really wanted to know where the hell he was and what the fuck was going on. Suddenly Rui turned on him and told him one of the last things he expected to hear. [color=slategray]"The rest is up to you Ryan."[/color] Ryan pointed at himself in confusion and looked around at everyone else. He sighed and walked over to the Shadow, looking at him with a neutral expression. [color=RoyalBlue]"You weren't completely wrong. I don't hate people, I'm just scared of losing them. And yeah, I do resent mom for taking me away from everything I knew."[/color] [color=RoyalBlue]"But you know what? Giving up won't change that. If I give up, I may never feel hurt again, but I won't feel anything else either. I won't get to feel happiness when I go out with friends, I won't get to fall in love one day, I won't get to know the satisfaction from beating a friendly rival in something. That's no way to live in my opinion. And as for mom... yeah, she took me away from everything, but she also gave me the chance to start a new life. And no matter how much I dislike not having a choice, she's still my mom. And I love her."[/color] [color=SteelBlue]"Do you think you can change? Do you think you can stop being so afraid?"[/color] The Shadow asked quietly, looking into Ryan's eyes. [color=RoyalBlue]"I can change. It's a choice only I can make after all."[/color] Ryan said with a chuckle as he hugged his Shadow. The Shadow laughed as well as it became enveloped in a blue light. Ryan looked up as the Shadow morphed into [url=http://i.imgur.com/oZUcWsY.png] a one winged knight with a rapier, looking down on him with what seemed to be approval.[/url] [color=SteelBlue][b]"Thou art I, I art thou. I am Erec, the enduring lover.[/b][/color] The figure dissipated quickly, leaving Ryan with the rest of the group. He breathed out heavily and looked at everyone. He felt some sort of strange new power coursing through his body, he felt stronger than he's ever felt in his life actually! He clenched his hands and looked up at Rui, preparing some questions. [color=RoyalBlue]"Where exactly am... I?"[/color] He began to ask, when he suddenly felt very tired. His eyelids fluttered and he collapsed to the floor, exhausted from his gaining his newfound power. His vision went black for the second time that day.