Name: Allisa Tranqwai(She always wanted a last name, but her father didn't have she just made one up. Also she often refers to herself as Alcohol Ally) Age: 16 and drinkin'! Parents: Bacchus, Roman God of Intoxication, and some random chick at a bar. Appearance: [img][/img] Power: [hider=Powers] [color=f26522][i][u]A Drink Would Be Great Right Now:[/u][/i][/color] Can conjure up bottles of alcohol out of thin air. [color=f26522][i][u]I Think...I'm Sweating Alcohol...:[/u][/i][/color] Any bodily fluid of Allisa's is practically pure alcohol, meaning that it has many of the same properties, such as burning. This includes burps. [color=f26522][i][u]A Selective Memory!:[/u][/i][/color] Not really a power, but she tends to forget things she wants to forget. [/hider] Weapon: Allisa's weapon is a flask! But this isn't just normal flask...but it ain't exactly very special either. You see, this flask is connected to a light, fairly thin chain, about five feet long. It acts as a whip, the flask being the end. She keeps the chain wrapped around the flask when she's not using it, and she hangs the flask itself on her belt loop. Symbol: [img][/img] (Never drink and draw kids) Animal: Ummm....a bar mouse? Followers: Drinkers usually