[b]Jake Strider[/b] Jake had no idea where he was or how he got there after all, forests were not exactly common in Chicago. Looking around some more he noticed a giant burning candle with a golden candlestick. As he got closer it sounded like the candle was snoring. [i]"Okay this has to be a dream, I just hope I remember it when I wake up."[/i] He decided to wake the candle up by shaking it and at first only succeeded in getting hot wax on his hands.[i] Guess I'm not dreaming after all."[/i] Jake was a bit surprised at how calm he was but he felt he had more important matter to think about at the moment. Eventually the candle opened its eyes and seemed startled when it noticed Jake. "Ehm you must be Jake, right? Welcome to Digiworld, I'm Candlemon your partner." As Candlemon introduced itself Jake noticed it seemed to be blushing. [b]Dave Harley[/b] The last thing Dave remembered before finding himself in this bizarre forest was preparing to steal a rather expensive new set of sunglasses. He had no idea how much time had passed since then, but since he wasn't hungry it couldn't have been too long. While exploring he constantly heard a loud buzzing noise that seemed to be pretty close, however since nothing else happened he stopped paying attention to it a while ago. Fanbeemon had been spying on its partner for a while now and it didn't seem like any Digimon were going to attack him. So it decided that it might as well go talk to the human since the two would eventually have to work together anyway. "Dave!" Upon hearing someone yell his name Dave stopped and looked around but there wasn't anyone around. "Up here, Dave!" As he looked up Dave finally noticed the source of the buzzing sound, a big ass buglike creature. "What the hell?" The bug started talking. "I'm Fanbeemon and I'm supposed to protect you from any dangers here in Digiworld." At that point Dave started to seriously consider that he might have been drugged or something.