The Kilika beasts met in the seafront cafe for breakfast as usual. Khinnu always ordered the same thing, pancakes with syrup, which she found waiting fo her as she took a seat at the usual booth. The waiters and chefs knew the order of every team member and made it so it was ready on arrival. Th pancakes were divine and the conversation fruitful as ever, the usual banter and insults that could exist only within a unit so close to one another. Khinnu made ready to order a drink when sh heard a loud crashing from outside, she looked to her team and told them to stay inside, she was the only one with real battle experience after all. The sight beyond the door was one she had never seen before, in fact it was one she couldn't have ever imagined. The ferry from Besaid had been ambushed by some kind of sea creature, which was very unusual for this day and age, attacks like this were of course very common in the days before the eternal calm. She need to help. ---- Khinnu leaped from the docks into the sea and swam until she found the hull, she leaped up out of the water and drew her pistols, she lined up a shot and let loose a barrage of rounds which tore into th large tentacle that was about to come crashing down on a very familiar looking man and the lady beside him. The tentacle fell limply to the floor, a safe distance from the couple strewn across the deck. Khinnu landed elegantly and ran over to help the two to their feet. "You guys ok? I'm Khinnu by the way" she said as she pulled them up. Her large green swirled eyes greeted them politely as they stood. "Looks like you could do with a hand here...stand back " She pulled a lever on her guns and they rapidly changed shape, the barrel widened and beneath it a compartment formed that seemed to hold something and it was in this compartment that Khinnu placed a large round which shimmered a fiery red, she fired the round into the largest of tentacles and watched as the fiery whirlwind encased it and seriously burnt it, the ship rumbled as the beast below let out a screech, two more tentacles came flying toward her in response the first she avoided by vaulting sideways in the air, the second she fended off with another accurate volley of gunfire. "Well fire seems to work!" She said with a grin