"God damn bastard." Li muttered under his breath, while taking cover behind a large boulder. Wyverns were such fearsome creatures that, although weaker than dragons, were still capable of tearing limbs off effortlessly. Just thinking about the wyvern that Ralen was currently taking on solo, made Li’s wings shake. Li started a series of breathing exercises, which calmed his nerves. Before long, Li heard the wyvern cry out again, accompanied by a metallic clash. It was then that Li’s eyes locked with Ralen’s, who had gotten up from his fall. Li knew that he could not leave his friend to die. They had been through too much. From the time they had saved each others lives, to the journeys they had been together. They had created a bond too deep to break. Li exhaled one last time before sprinting towards Ralen. Li had very little knowledge about wyverns, but he knew one thing for sure. Like most creatures, their eyes should be the weakest point on their bodies. Li thew a single dagger at the wyvern's eye, all the while hoping for a miracle.