[hider=My Oath]I am fate's strike unexpectedly come, I come too soon and am before their time, I am reaper, predator, and I swear this Oath before Selene. I, [b]Rosa Eclaire DeLune[/b] of Sweet Night, One Faint Kiss. Amongst Night's Chosen, I shall be [b]The Thorned One, Rose. [/b] The Chosen are my kin, I am servant to Selene for She is my patron, my Divine. Through my kin, I offer my skills to Selene. I offer [i]my highly trained martial prowess and proficiency with my fists; my ability to siphon mass from my victim; and my trained knowledge of Chakra.[/i] I submit my greatest flaws: [i]my insane stubbornness, which often leads me to even physical conflict with my allies; as well as my endless, life-threatening hunger for energy,[/i] so that my kin might aid me in my time of need. I recognize the Sweet Night knows no politics and declare mine openly to shed temptation. [i]I despise 'pure' races, primarily elves and dwarves, as they look down on me and my kind. However, I sympathize endlessly with half-breeds like myself, even if they don't like me in return.[/i] May my kin aid me should I stumble as I shall do so for them. Openly I declare with neither pride nor shame-- for Sweet Night knows neither-- my past as kin may know. [i]I am a Half Elven orphan from Nebel, who became host to the Demon Manos (who presides over Gluttony) at the early age of 7. Exile and wanderlust drove me to the harsh terrain of Himlan so that I would be separated widely from other people. Manos gave me the strength and guidance I needed to survive those harsh climates, and the ability to steal a target's mass, and thus their energy. This meant that even if I could not hunt and kill prey, as long as there were living organisms, I could stay alive... even if I was malnourished. And indeed, true nourishment was scarce, and the hunger in my stomach drove me to the edges of sanity. I still have yet to fully recover. After years of wandering and training my body, I was found at one of Himlan's hidden temples (about which I have been sworn mostly to secrecy.) I couldn't tell you how I got there, but as I worked with the monks and priests, I came to terms with my possession, and honed my martial training even further. I was taught much about the ways of the world, and the ways of Lef. And while I am still naive when it comes to social customs and subjects such as history and politics, I am well-versed in the ways of the human body, and I am far less feral than I was before. I pledge my oath to Selene at Manos' bidding. He promises food without limit and a chance to sate my loneliness at the same time. My Lord wishes to gain knowledge about the darkness of this world, and I am happy to oblige him. As of this oath, I serve only Selene above Him, and together they are my Father and Mother.[/i] I do not hide from the gaze of my kin. [i][b]My power works as follows:[/b] Manos' posession carries with it an endless hunger, but also the tools to sate that hunger. Eating food nourishes my human body in the same was as anybody else's (which I refer to in the typical sense of 'nourishment,') but offerings to Manos are also necessary, in the form of a victim's mass. Upon contact with my foe's Chakra Points (and conscious thought that 'I want to eat') I am able to siphon a fraction of the target's mass though Corrupt Lef (which varies depending on the hit,) and add it to my own. This practice I call 'Feeding' or 'Siphoning.' However, Manos is always hungry, whether I have hunted and Fed or not. My own body mass is constantly drained as tribute to Him, and I must Feed to keep up with that hunger. As a balance, this power aids me well in combat, I am slight of frame, but with enough stolen mass, I become like a mountain rooted to the earth. If the enemy has enough mass stolen (or if I go without nourishment for long enough) they become anemic and very ill. However, this effect is only temporary, as the victim's body will absorb energy from the environment over time to return to their usual state. This can take as little as a few hours, or as long as a week, depending on the amount of energy that needs to be replenished. Likewise, when Rose accrues extra mass from Feeding, that energy is quickly drained until she is back to her regular weight, and is held in reserve to stave off Manos' hunger for a short time.[/i] ((Though the science may not be present in Leva, in our world this power is based off of a scientific principle called 'Mass-Energy Equivalence,' which is the equation E=mc^2. In other words, an object's mass and energy are always in a certain proportion. Thus, taking away the energy of an object also affects its mass, and vice versa. When Rose Feeds, she absorbs energy, and gets heavier due to this principle. Though there is no change in the shape or size of the victim, nor Rose herself, the proportion of energy gained and lost does change.)) Truly as I am [i]The Thorned One, Rose,[/i] and amongst Night's Chosen, I seal my Oath. Of Sweet Night, One Faint Kiss. [i]Autumn, 415 of the 4th Era.[/i] [/hider] [hider=My Portrait]Rose is a small girl, though only small for a human or elf. She is slight of frame, but well proportioned, and muscled more than an average girl of her size due to her intense physical training. Her appearance resembles an albino, though this is due to possession rather than genetic mutation. Her hair is snow white and her eyes are a fiery red. Her natural hair and eye colour is unknown, as this change is irreversible. Her clothes are often dark, loose-fitting, and subtle, often going so far as to even resemble rags. Her skin is dark from sun exposure and rough from weathering the elements, hearkening back to her feral upbringing. Her expression is often either spaced out or else completely disinterested, even when she is paying attention. She frequently glances around at her surroundings as a carry-over from her hunting days, and this habit has a tendency to make people nervous or angry, even if they don't realize it's happening.[/hider]