[center] [color=662d91]Name:[/color] Serilus [color=662d91]Age:[/color] 17 [color=662d91]Parents:[/color] His father is Loki so his mother could honestly be anyone, no one knows. [color=662d91]Appearance:[/color] [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Tanaka.Gundam.full.1422804.jpg[/img] [color=662d91]Power:[/color] Has powers of invisibility though these don't always work how he likes. It neither lasts to long and he has not mastered the ability of making his scarf disappear so sometimes people will just see a floating scarf. Has started to learn shapeshifting but can never get consistent or usually any results. Only power he can use with any efficiency is able to make his dagger appear from thin air. [color=662d91]Symbol:[/color] [img]http://i421.photobucket.com/albums/pp298/Adrius91/Heroes%20Community/HC%20-%20Faction%20Pics/SerpentCult/SerpentCultSymbol.jpg[/img] [color=662d91]Animal:[/color] A black snake [color=662d91]Weapon:[/color] A dagger given to him by his father. [hider=Dagger] [img]http://bns-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2016/02/Dreadtide-Preview.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=662d91]Followers:[/color] Practical jokers, thieves, people of those sort who would revere the trickster god. [/center]