There are some odd places to sleep, especially for abnormal creatures, whether it be trees, flower beds, or coffins. But even for supernatural beings, on top of the archway that marked the entrance of Academy of Tommorow, more commonly called the godling school, was quite an unorthodox place to sleep. And yet that is where Allisa, the future goddess of intoxication, slumbered, drooling, an empty bottle in her hand, her entire arm dangling over the edge. Her snores were loud, probably disturbing any students passing under her. All of the sudden her snores were replaced with groans, and the brown haired girl sat up. She attempted to rub the side of her head, but felt a bottle against her skull rather than a hand. Upon closer inspection, she realized that the bottle had a label which read [i]Peppermint Schnapps[/i]. The drunkard raised her eyebrow, unable to recall the events that took place only hours before, and her first thought of the morning popped into her head: [color=f26522][i]What the hell happened last night that led to me to drink this crap?[/i][/color] She once again let her arm dangle from the edge, dropping the bottle onto the walkway below. She summoned up thinner bottle, this one with the words [i]Strawberry Vodka[/i] on the front, popping off the top and chugging down a sip. No other questions came to her mind, not why she was sleeping on the archway, nor why she was surprisingly well groomed and smelled strangely of a mix of lavender and mead. Allisa remembered one thing at least: she had a school to go to. It took a few moments for her to realize she was already there, but when she did, she dropped down from the arch, some of her vodka spilling out of the bottle and onto the pavement, and proceeded to groggily walk with the rest of the kids onto the campus.