When Ricky picked her up and hauled her away, Sophia pouted and proceeded to kick his butt with her heels until he finally put her down. Of course, this only gave her the opportunity to turn around and jump right back on, this time clinging with her arms hugging his shoulders and legs wrapped around his waist, her head cheerfully perched on his shoulder. As they walked away, she glanced behind them, frowning thoughtfully. [color=silver][i]Awe, I wanted to watch her draw more.[/i][/color] A crafty smile formed on her face. [color=silver][i]I'll just have to catch her again.[/i][/color] [hr] Naturally, things simply had to go downhill from there. Third period math was boring, as per usual, and by the time lunch rolled around, Sophia's head was pounding and she was ready eat just about anything, even the cafeteria's "stew surprise", or rather "whatever leftovers they couldn't pawn off to the kids thrown into a pot and boiled overnight". Sometimes detention really sucked when you had to spend it helping out the lunch ladies. Everything went from bad to worse, once they got to the cafeteria, and Ricky ran into Lardo. Literally. The collision left both of them on the floor, and Lardo's lunch making some rather nice looking art on his shirt. In an instant, Sophia crouched and started running her hands over Ricky, checking him over while neatly interposing herself between the two. The last thing she wanted was a fight before she had something to eat.