Day 731
Dark clouds hung low in the sky, casting shadows across the already darkening ground. It was sun set already, though it seemed the day had been cut a few hours short. The green lights were already creeping out from between the distant houses and trees, the only sign of life left in the emptying world. It was not the life of human, but the tell tale signs of the horrors that lurked just outside the camp.
From the roof you could see everything that happened during the day and night before. The lurking beasts collapsed whole buildings if they wanted, or else catch them on fire. The city was a wreck at any rate.
Climbing back down the stairs Copper looked around for his gang, temporarily fearful that they'd all somehow died in the few minuets he was away. "Unlikely" he reminded himself out loud. "everyone's just fine, they're just in the basement. Safe."
At the bottom of the stair was the basement door, just where it belonged. Taking a deep breath he calmed himself, slowing his heart rate, and pried open the door. The creaking was unbearably loud, it was a miracle they were still alive. At any rate the room was exactly as it had been left. Orange garage like doors lines the long hallway, a few open and spilling light into the hallway. This was where he'd lived for a year and a half. All that time ago each storage box had been inhabitable, a person or two calling each one their home. only 5 where left now. The last of the survivors.
"Sharlene, Steve, you two here? Everyone, is everyone okay?" he said, his voice echoing down the vacant hall. People stayed in there room a lot. He'd only gone out to ensure their security and to see the sun set, never having set foot outside at any other time. It was dangerous to be out for to long.