So Gippal, in addition to being a Guardian - which he decided for himself but Isabeau decided to simply let him do what he wanted - was a Blitzball player. Isabeau was never much for Blitzball, not even when the Guado Glories were still around. She wondered if the two things, blitzball and being a summoner, had anything in common apart from coming with both expectations and unwanted attention. His response didn't do much to ease her confusion, but it made her feel a little bit better knowing that she wasn't alone in the hating being an overnight celebrity. And here she thought all blitzball players just wanted to be famous and rich. Suddenly, the ship jerked violently. Isabeau, who had been holding onto the railing, tightened her grip and was rocked to the side, but still remained standing, despite her body slamming into the side of the ship. "I'm fine," she replied to Gippal's question, despite being in slight pain from the sudden slamming. But the question now was why had they stopped. Had they hit something? Had they run aground? The answer came when tentacles rose from underneath the ship and slammed onto the deck. Isabeau was frozen in shock as she watched one of the tentacles slam down and crush some ship workers. She looked up and saw one coming down towards her, but just as soon as she had laid eyes on it, she was tackled and falling on top of Gippal, saved, but still in shock.With assistance from Gippal, she stood, brushing off her clothing. She stood back, watching as Gippal dispatched some crab-like fiends with ease. Isabeau removed the metal rod from its sheathe at her waist and grasped it with both hands. If ever there was a time to discover if she really was a summoner it was now...though she probably should've asked Yuna how exactly to call forth an aeon. Isabeau closed her eyes. "Okay...Valefor...if you can hear me...and if I'm really a summoner...I...We could really use your help." Isabeau's hair began to blow, a glowing circle appeared around her feet. "I summon thee, come forth, Valefor!" The words sounded natural, sounded right, and the glowing aura around Isabeau grew brighter as lights shot up into the sky. From the clouds, a bird-like entity flew down and began flying in front of Isabeau. Valefor. Isabeau couldn't help but be amazed, amazed that she pulled it off. "Uhm....okay...okay...uh...I guess...I guess um...attack the fiends, yes! Valefor, I need you to attack the fiends! Help me out!" Isabeau was still confused, but there was confidence now, confidence in being able to get through this.