[B][color=f7941d]Name:[/color] Darin Torblad [COLOR=f7941d]Nickname:[/COLOR] Barbarossa[/B] [COLOR=f7941d]Race:[/COLOR] Dwarf [COLOR=f7941d]Gender:[/COLOR] Male [COLOR=f7941d]Age:[/COLOR] 56 [COLOR=f7941d]Appearance:[/COLOR] [img]http://i.imgur.com/u8HWOap.png?1[/img] Darin is 56 years old which is equivalent to a 21 year old human. He stands 4' 2" tall and weighs 210 Lbs. He has red hair and beard with black eyes. His red beard (Barbarossa) is often decorated with braids. Darin "Barbarosa" Torblad has old Dwarven tatoos on his face and forehead as depicted below. [IMG]http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn77/proberge82/TorbladsTatoos.png[/IMG] [h3][U][COLOR=f7941d][B]Stats:[/B][/COLOR][/U][/h3] [B][COLOR=f7941d]Strength:[/COLOR] 17 (+2) = 19 [COLOR=f7941d]Dexterity:[/COLOR] 13 (-2) = 11 [COLOR=f7941d]Willpower:[/COLOR] 13 [COLOR=f7941d]Perception:[/COLOR] 13 [COLOR=f7941d]Charisma:[/COLOR] 13[/b] [b][color=39b54a]Hit Points:[/color] 25[/b] [B][h3]Biography/ History:[/h3][/B] During the time when Moria fell to the orcs and all that is evil, Darin Torblad's parents had been in the lands of man. Darin was born in Rohan, but his parents and the small band of Dwarves who lived in his clan near the mountains of Rohan raised Darin with a pure Dwarven culture. He has an appreciation for man, but hates the elves. He desires more than anything to return to Moria and restore the Dwarven homelands to their former state. Darin Torblad acquired the nickname Barbarossa later in his youth as he grew his flaming red beard. The humans of a nearby community had given him the moniker and it stuck. In one of the human tongues, the name means, "Red Beard". Darin is usually even tempered, but tends to get the dander up when someone other than a dwarf makes derogatory comments about the Dwarves of Moria. When someone makes disparaging comments about Moria and its downfall, Barbarossa starts to become upset. He also tries to remain calm. If the comments continue, Barbarossa's face turns red. He will make every effort to contain his anger. If it still continues, he will as politely as he can tell the offending person, to kindly shut the hell up. If the person does not heed his warning, he will jump into a fight and expect any dwarf within earshot to join him. [B][h3]Equipment:[/h3][/B] Darin carries a three foot Battle Axe as his primary weapon, but is also proficient with the bow and will use that for ranged targets. He carries a hand axe and dagger on his belt as well. Darin carries a leather back pack, quiver with 30 arrows, 3 weeks rations, candles, flint and tinder, 3 flasks of oil, small leather pouch containing coins, 100' of rope and prayer beads. [B]Weapons:[/B] Battle Axe, hand axe, Bow & dagger [B]Armor:[/B] banded armor: Chest, Grieves, Shin guards, boots, mantle, forearm guards, gauntlets, and battle helm with horns. [B]Clothing:[/B] When not wearing his armor, darin also has a cloak, under tunic, wool trousers, low leather boots, Leather belt, and Over tunic [B]Money:[/B] inside the small leather pouch are five gold, thirteen silver and eight copper coins. [B][h3]Other:[/h3][/B] Darin "Barbarosa" Torblad speaks Dwarven and Common fluently as well as about 25% fluency in Elven and 10% in Orcish. Darin worships the Dwarven God, Moradin. He prays to Moradin every morning before breakfast and every evening before bed time. [hider=Moradin]Moradin is the chief deity on the dwarven pantheon. Moradin's domains are Creation, Earth, Good, Law, and Protection. His titles include Soul Forger, Dwarffather, the All-Father, and the Creator. He created the first dwarves out of earthen materials and tutored them in dwarven ways. The Hammers of Moradin are an elite military order dominated by crusaders and fighting clerics with chapters in nearly every dwarven stronghold and members drawn from every dwarven clan. The Hammers serve both as commanders of dwarven armies and as an elite strike force skilled in dealing with anything from large groups of orcs to great wyrms to malevolent fiends from the Lower Planes. The order is dedicated to the defense of existing dwarven holdings and the carving out of new dwarven territories. Individual chapters have a great deal of local autonomy but, in times of great crisis, a Grand Council (the reigning monarchs and senior Hammers of the affected region) assemble to plot strategy and divine Moradin's will. Another elite military order of Moradin is the Order of the Anvil of Light. Its leader is Barock Stormbeard of the Stormbeard clan, who has led this group for ages. The group's latest information is having to deal with a deity trying to return to the Material Plane.[/hider]