Here is the clear cut, run down that you've read a thousand times but with different names and traits. I was going to be creative, but screw it this is the one time I can be lazy with the creativity. So, I'm DeadlyEssence, sometimes Kai, Kris, Queen of Darkness - Or whatever really.. Quite frankly, you're not obligated to refer to me at all. This is taking longer than expected... considering I write one sentence then continue eating out of my tub of vanilla ice cream.. I mean, it was almost empty anyway, right? I've been writing for forever. Literally, I'm immortal some would say. I have some short stories about to be published, one published, and a novel that I was supposed to publish a year ago but retracted because I started to loathe it. I'm a perfectionist. I adore assassin characters, meta-humans, cyborgs, heck anything not completely, boringly human. And well, since I'm almost a black belt in my martial arts form I'd like to think I can write those fight scenes (that I love so much) better than I actually can. Whatever. I love fantasy, action, adventure – anything but comedy, and romance is not my forte but it happens I guess. So I'm willing to write practically anything, just ask! I'll see you on the other side.