Here is my character sheet you can go off of this one or create you own. This is just what I thought would be essential. This is to help you, and myself, understand the character better. [b]Basics[/b] Name (& pronunciation): Phoenix Seraph (Fee-Nicks Sayr aff) Date of Birth (& age): Meh. (Age: 24) Place of Birth: City of Mynx Gender: Male Species/Racial Origin: Human Social Class/Community Status: Mage Language: English and Latin Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: No known family, deceased wife Ariel, pet ferret Artemis [b]Physical Description[/b] [hider=appearance][img][/img][/hider] Description: This man puts you in mind of a savvy alley cat. He has almond-shaped eyes the color of obsidian. His thick, straight, blonde hair is somewhat long and is worn in an uncomplicated, dignified style. He is of average height and weight with light-colored skin and muscles that are unsual to someone of his profession. Phoenix has a pointed chin and small nose. His wardrobe is simplistic for what he does consisting of mostly neutral colors. Height: 5'8" Weight: 145 lbs. Hair: Spiky blonde Eyes: Black Limb Dexterity: Quite flexible Detailed Physical Description: (see pic) Typical Clothing/Equipment: Long sleeved, collared white shirt, dark brown pants, black full arm gauntlet, black boots, leather belt with pouches for his cards [b]Personality/Attributes[/b] Personality/Attitude: Strong sense of justice, lazy, determined, smart, friendly Skills/Talents: Card magic, swordplay, charismatic Favourites/Likes: likes to sleep, his favorite in the world is his pet ferret Most Hated/Dislikes: hates assholes, people who hurt women or who are rude to women Goals/Ambitions: to be the best he can be Strengths: can use strong magic cards to fight, can actually enchant his sword for a very limited time, is a very skilled fighter Weaknesses: being reminded of his wife will make him break down, can't swim, can't expend too much magic on cards before his has to use his sword Fears: large bodies of water/drowning, starvation, not being able to use his magic in a tough situation Hobbies/Interests: likes to sleep, loves his ferret, loves to read, loves to explore