Three paths become one. Hear ye, hear ye. On this very day, the fifth of Frostfall in our very own realm of Irakix a grievous theft, A MOST HEINOUS ONE, was committed. One of immense proportions, the heart stones of the realm itself have been stolen. The stones which are responsible for powering nearly everything in the realm, including the way gates between the realm and others. This means that the realm is a state of emergency, as part of a royal decree any information having to do with the disappearance of the stones must be reported immediately or the death penalty shall be exacted at a later date if it is discovered that you were aware of such information. These stones have been with the realm for nearly twenty decades and contain the souls of every single deceased aristocrat since the beginning. Without their power, nothing in this land will function efficiently nor will travel be possible between any other realm forever or at least until the stones have been returned. Meaning the thief is stuck here with us and so are every single one of you. Yes, we may be at fault for not properly protecting the stones which were probably not an ideal thing to keep in a very public and laxly guarded museum but we pride ourselves in being fantastic hosts for any and all tourists. We shall reward any person for any ounce of information as well as VERY GENEROUSLY rewarding anyone for the capture of the thief and the stones. By generously we mean you will be filthy rich, never need to lift another finger for the rest of your life and you can make a castle out of god damn gold. We are the capital of magic and we have money to throw around if it can motivate you to lift even a finger to help us now in our time of need. As a reminder any magic or technology will be completely reliant on your own talent as it will draw on your energy rather than the stones, meaning everything will be much less efficient as well as exhausting you quickly. However this is only true for those who have no talent and came here to utilize our stones, any mage or say Necromancer with any power themselves could easily operate anything they wanted considering how powerful they are in comparison to the average citizen here in Irakix. Happy hunting, also you must have a team of three to claim the reward. If you can't find any friends to help you then come on down to the museum to check out other rare artifacts and form a team with others. There is also some security footage if you'd like to take a look, by the way on the third floor we have a very rare statue made of diamond and nothing else if you'd like to take a look. Please do not cross the rope around it or touch the statue while you are viewing thank you. Peace. Royalty and King Dreeg out!