I'm about to head to bed, so I'll think on your suggestions a bit more and come back to it tomorrow after work. I'll definitely clarify her combat ability and tweak her power, and I'll change the demon around. I fell back on common things because I wanted to get something down on paper more than I wanted to expand the world at that time, so I'll make some edits for sure. One thing I can clarify right away is that, while I like the idea of sucking a person's mass and making them gaunt, etc, the idea I had in mind was more of a magical idea, where it would almost affect their molecular density or something rather than their actual body mass. Like, making them lighter and me heavier without altering our forms too much. I may change that to more of what you said, for the realism factor, and less of a loose metaphorical idea, but I'll think on it more. I'll also come up with separate terms for her need for human food with nutrients and vitamins separately from her need to consume energy due to her possession. I may PM you a few things, since I don't want to load up the CS itself with a whole lot of unnecessary information (like building the whole Temple, if that's the route I decide to take) and we'll take it from there. Otherwise, I'll come back with more thoughts and edits when I get the chance. Thanks for your extensive input, I wasn't expecting so much criticism, but there's no doubt it'll make everything better in the end :D As a last footnote, I realize my picture's anime-styled too, but I wouldn't get my hopes up of me finding another picture if I were you. I have no idea how to get good pictures of any other kind, at least ones that suit my tastes and needs. I'm open to direction, and it's not like I'm completely attached to the design, but I'd sooner be able to write five pages of text than to find a suitable image. It's just beyond my usual realms. If it becomes necessary to change up, then I'm open to direction of course, just like anything else. Of course if text is the better option, that's definitely within my expertise.