Blake rubbed her head as she glared at the digimon before her. "Stop headbutting me! I said I understood what you were telling me! I just want no part in your stupid scheme or whatever." She growled out to Dorumon who was glaring right back at his new partner. "Well you don't get a choice so until you understand that I will keep doing it." Dorumon replied before taking a few steps back then running forward and jumping headbutting Blake before she could stop him. Blake began cursing the creature while rubbing her head which lead to yet another argument between the two bringing their total to ten arguments since she woke up over the same thing. [hr] Amora sat on the ground leaning against the tree petting the digimon in her lap. "So you and I are partners and we are in this digital world... I like it. A new start... This land is ours for the taking in a sense." She said smiling at BlackSalamon who smiled up at her. "I like the way you think Amora. I think you and I are going to get along perfectly." BlackSalamon told her smiling back up at Amora.