The officers had little effect on disbursing the crowd as they started to slip past the local rabble and move up to gin. His announcer had vanished, wobbling out of existences finally at the first sign of law enforcement with the stealth of a politicians shadow. The people themselves look just as much at the guards as they did at him but gave only minimal space, causing many to be shoved aside while other guards were more concerned with watching at their pockets with so many slum sort lurking under and around them [i]"You broke my shield!"[/i] cried out a voice, bellowing out a wild moan at the sight of a proud design being reduced to trash before his feet.

The black smith, equally as old as Gin himself but far more healthy looking with his dashingly white streaks of hair, brushed only with small remnants of youthful brown. His body lacked any wrinkles besides his eyes from obvious years of smiling but alas no such thing would be seen as he fell into sadness at the sight of his work discarded [i]"You destroyed my shield"[/i] he said with the meek croak of a sputtering throat as he clutched a single side that had managed to retain some sort of identity outside of bent, overly dense bits of crumbled foil.

[i]"Do you know what this meant to me. I needed this, how am I going to look into my nephew eyes and tell him I'm short for his wedding"[/i] he phrased his words in questions but the mans eyes sought no answer as they sunk deeper into the trouble that fate had thrown him in. He held his former crafty work for a moment before letting it fall on the floor with a clatter [i]"Do you have the-"[/i] he begun before he was interrupted by a young voice.

[i]“Hey!! You guards better not  be wrongly accusing this man!” [/i]

Almost everyone in the crowd turned their heads to the charging man before them, those who did not shrunk into the floor and left with clenched fits and blatantly obvious fuller pockets from other around them, spreading like ants alarmed by rain in every direction. Three officers were standing by the guards, unarmored but dressed in uniforms and carrying the same sense of authoritarian protection in their gaze. All of their chest, whether wearing plate or not were paraded without shame but above that their faces were plastered with the stoic stare of dead assurance [i]"We didn't accuse him. We saw him do it"[/i] one said in an accent not of the area [i]"In fact, everybody did"[/i] piped up a close slummer as they all nodded.

Gin stuck his back up tall and without weight to it, even when holding all the shadows of those now against him on his shoulders. His frown spoke of a different story as it bore a ladder of frustration across his skull, it was a frown practiced time and time again, his wrinkles tailored to accommodate it in waves when it appeared. His eyes, remained sharp but the blackness in them slithered from abysmal to tar like, losing any shine to them in the situation as he inspected the man before him[color=brown][i] "They are correct. I am guilty"[/i][/color] he said it without retention but he quickly blow out the last of his energy with each word, his tone tired in the face of this all.

[color=brown][i]"I do not have any money to pay for the damage I have done"[/i][/color] as he spoke those words, all his rage would become nullified under the jurisdiction of law that stood before him, his straight back bending over slightly as he let his stiff head drop in shame despite the obvious anger flushing thru it as he admitted his poverty and inability to strangers of all sorts. His back open and his hands, now on his knees without a hint to combat what is to come.