[center][b]Avery Heart[/b] "Ok hawkman, what is it that we need to do? You said something about saving this world right? Also, you said others. Other humans? How can we find them?" Avery threw the questions at Hawkmon. He was totally lost and confused by everything. "Well, something has disrupted the peace here. We don't know what it is, but we are going to find out soon."hawkmon said."also, your digimon can pinpoint other digivices in the radius. " Avery pulled out his digivice, seeing a few red dots. "Lets go the one closest to us." He begin to walk off with hawkmon beside him [b]Dylan Walker[/b] "First off, don't snuggle on me like that. I hate that your so damn adorable, it bothers me." Dylan snorted walked through forest with Phascomon by his side "I'll take that as a comment~ but master, my true from is more intimidating, just wait and see! Your going to help me right? " Phascomon asked Dylan rolled his eyes."whatever, I guess so."as Dylan walked ahead, he could see a girl with a black cat puppy digimon[/center]