Liam heard the bathroom door open, his eyes widened slightly, surprised someone was making their presence. I was more so expecting Jay over Sarina, he expected that she had probably left to get him something, but then again, she would never leave his side. He didn't know who to expect. His eyes remained at the mirror, staring into the person he had not seen in over three years. He smiled at himself, 'Well at least you are still good looking.' The next sound in the room came from a soft voice which said his name. He knew it was Sarina and his mouth opened to respond but nothing came of it. He frowned in disappointment till she had returned. She spoke, surprised he was out of bed, talking as if he belonged there. He didn't like staying still, that bed was the last place he wanted to be, it was a place he would remember of the time he couldn't move. She came closer and he could feel her aura. This was new, he never felt someones aura before, he could tell how she felt, what her next move would be, almost as if he was predicting the future but more so as reading their intentions. He could feel that she was overwhelmed, a mix of emotions, nothing solid, but joy stood out among the rest. He turned to face her, his head higher than hers, a small smirk formed on his face, though it quickly went away as he noticed she had a black eye. His frowned showed enough emotion that it probably worried her. He lifted his hand and brought it close to her cheek, he looked at black claws and frowned further till his knuckles made contact with her skin. He quickly pulled away, stunned by her cold skin and the sudden touch that he could finally feel after all these years. He approached her cheek once more, this time with his palm facing her. His hand landed on her skin and his thumb lightly rubbed the dark area. With a small smile realizing that he could touch her safely, he quickly pulled her close, a small tear escaping as he could feel her pain, he wrapped both arms around her, embracing her tightly. He closed his eyes, overwhelmed with joy and happiness. He was glad his body could move like it used to, that he could finally feel her rather than having to be touched. Before long he had forgotten she asked him a question, realizing this he pulled away and stared at her in the eyes. 'No I can not talk, but I will soon,' He was speaking as his soul, but hoping that she could read his eyes, saying what he thought. The two have known each other for years, they could read each other like a book. He smiled at her trying to make her not worry about it, he lifted his arm between them both looking down at the wrappings before looking back at her, as if asking her help. He wanted to see his body, his scars, his new form. Each time he saw his claws he worried about hurting her, but knew she would take precaution around him. Once the bandages were off he turned back to mirror, examining his body more, becoming acceptance of his new body. A new aura began to grow closer and closer to their position. After receiving this strange ability this morning, he didn't know who or what it was, he heard the sound of the door handle seconds before Sarina could. His left hand twitched and expanded, his fingers and claws straining with blood. Though the tense action was very minor and minimal detail, it still happened.