Alex was muttering to herself before just about slid about the boat as the boat was viciously rocked. Cursing, she glared as tentacles latched tightly onto the ship. Growling, the red head got to her feet and unsheathed her blade, making a swift stab to a tentacle. It screeched before trying to slam against her, but she quickly moved out of the way. Glancing to the others who were already battling as well. Gippal was already at the little bratty summoners side. Someone else also joined in the fray, but Alex was too busy fighting off tentacles to care who at the moment. As a crab eagerly came toward the summoner, Alex sprinted across the boat. Her sword coming down in a swift strike against the hard shell. Although most times it be harder to crack open a crab this size with a single blow, the red haired woman had strength and it squealed in pain as the sword crashed into its back. Pressing her foot against the front of the crab and kicking it away, She merely glanced at the newly named summoner. Just then she could hear the crazy bimbo screaming to Gippal. Turning to look at her, Alex watched as the bimbo got pulled grabbed by a tentacle and pulled under water. Cursing, she looked to Gippal. [b]"Gippal, you two go help her. We got it up here."[/b] she shouted, only mildly glancing at Valefor. She had always respected that certain Aeon, but seeing him in person made her almost give her a headache. Why? Whatever, doesn't matter he was here to help so that was that.