Jayni was not impressed, when she stepped through the portal the forest led to more forest. It wasn't the same dense forest with only slivers of light shining through a leaf ceiling, rather the trees were far more sparse. There was much more shrubbery in this forest. Though, Jayni couldn't help but to question, how far had the portal taken her, really? Giving a shrug she looked down to pet her bunny fiend, but more so to make sure the bunny had indeed made it through whole. The little whiskers moved and the bunny looked up at her, she smiled in response.“I told you you'd be okay. Now we just need to get to the museum.” Before she had taken another step she was flood with an overwhelming presence of spirits, one she had never felt before. She was certain it was from the stones- and that meant she was close to the city. They must have been really powerful for her to feel them and not even see the city yet. The bunny's ears perked and it hopped to the right, Jayni looked to see but she only saw one person, the trees were blocking her view. She took a couple steps closer, the bunny followed. There was a man standing in the forest, carrying something, but he was breathing hard and then Jayni wasn't quite sure she was right, but it looked as though he were talking but there was no one else around. The presence of the spirits had gotten more intense with her few steps. He was looking all about trying to find something, or someone. Then, a mage floated down from the sky. Jayni hadn't noticed her fiend had started to hop away, towards the action. “No. Bun-bun. Get back here.” she said, but the bunny continued – apparently drawn to the spirit aura. “Dang it.” she said and began to will the bunny back, her eyes glowed slightly, and soon the bunny was at her feet. “Thank you.” and she lifted the bunny into her arms. “We need to get out of here. Before I'm drawn to the spirits too. It must be some other kind of spirit stone. Let's go.” Then she heard the man cry out, she turned to look, but the only thing she saw was green energy turning him to dust. The mage turned and saw her he was now holding the black velvet bag, and she took a step back. It had all began to sink in, this man now held in his hands the heart stones – or something equally as powerful and Jayni wanted no part in it, she had no sense of justice for Irakix, only pure concern for her life. The rest happened quickly, he shouted at her, but her brain refused to process the information because the next thing she knew, there was a wave of deadly energy headed towards her, and she was never much of a fighter. The mage disappeared and instinctively she threw her staff in front of her, it was a sad sight, the small necromancer holding out her staff, huddled behind it as though the wood would protect her. But in moments she felt the spirit that had followed her the whole time tugging at her conscious, he was in front of the staff. [i]That's it[/i] she thought and clenched her eyes shut as the wave struck. She felt pain, lots of pain. Slowly she opened her eyes, and she was staring at the sky. Her head ached, she could feel her heart pounding in her chest, her limbs were like jello. Carefully and slowly she sat up, and she could see the extent of the damage. Then she laughed, pain shot through her body but she couldn't help it. She had lived. The spirit shield had actually worked. Then she noticed a few feet in front of her, various limbs lay in a pile on the ground. She had summoned all willing spirits in front of her, and they had absorbed most of the energy, there hadn't been enough spirits to take in it all. The spirits had taken so much energy though that from the energy their limbs were manifested. Hands, legs, arms, just pieces of people. Jayni laughed some more, there was a first for everything. “Bun-bun?” She asked suddenly, and she looked around, the bunny's corpse lay in the pile of limbs, and she felt her heart sink. She couldn't search the spirit world now, she wouldn't be able to sustain the connection, aside from limbs, she wasn't even sure what happened to the spirits. Jayni bit her tongue and her conscious felt heavy. All she did was lay back down and stare at the sky, letting the pain remind her she was alive, and that she hadn't quite joined the spirit world, yet.