Basic Setup for the first "game." Questions, comments, and suggestions are all appreciated! ^_^ [color=fff200]"Shadowfall"[/color] [color=f7941d]Classes:[/color] (Every character in Shadowfall begins with one of these base classes) Paladin- Heavily armored tank-type character, generally defense and healing based Warrior- Damage dealer, usually attack based Mage- Uses arcane power, extremely versatile Rouge- Stealth-based character, generally focuses on strategy Healer- support class, generally focused on keeping others alive [color=f7941d]Professions:[/color] (Characters can choose from any number of in-game professions, provided they've been cleared by the GM.) Here is a site with some ideas... [color=f7941d]Experience:[/color] In-game events such as combat will result in players gaining experience. This will allow them to aquire more skills as the game develops. Skills are determined by the player, but must be approved by the GM. Players will be informed when they are allowed access to a new skill.