Jay watched curiously as Liam carved things into their perfectly good cutting board. He knelt down before the teen with one knee bent. "What're you doing?" He questioned examining the dots and the single line that the boy and drawn. "Is this what I think it is? You want to play a game?" Removing his knife from his boot the orange-haired teenager carefully took the wooden board from Liam and looked at the dots inquisitively. "Yea, yea it is! Awesome." He was most certain that he had played the game before as a child in grade school and would give it a try since Liam wanted him too. With his knife he carved another line adjacent to the one Liam had drawn, he hoped he was doing it right. "That's alright, yea?" He looked to Liam for a nod or a head shake. When Liam gave him a nod, Jay smirked. "Great!" The boys took turns drawing lines and on the board and filling squares with either a J or an L. Once the game was over, Liam had won. "Heh, rematch?" Jay flipped the board over and started making the dots again. They played once more for quite a while, until their were no more spaces to make more lines. "You're great. I'm glad you're up and about and Sarina must be overjoyed. But you know, she just gets tired sometimes..." He looked toward the bed where Sarina was sleeping. "Yea... I have something. We could do. I mean, if you want." Jay did not wait for Liam to respond, he got up and walked to the bed and pulled something out from under it. It was a pile of three thin and long dusty old boxes. "These are all old board games from a book store I explored a long while ago. We have: battleship, mancala, connect 4, and checkers. Sorry I don't have chess, Sarina told me you like chess but they didn't have it at the time." Jay set down the games in front of Liam and let the boy choose which one he wanted to play. The first choice was checkers and Jay set up the checker board with all the pieces on it. They played for a long time back and forth keeping score as each won several times over. "Nnn" There was a soft groan from the bed. "Is it night time, yet?" Sarina muttered. Only a few hours had passed, it was noon now. "Jay?" She had forgotten that Liam was awake and out of bed. The girl felt around the bed for friend. "Liam? Liam!!" Sarina sat up and looked around frantically. Her eyes widened when she saw the two boys on the ground playing checkers. "What are you guys doing?" "Liam's right here. We're playing checkers so as not to wake you." Jay spoke to her in Italian as they did very often, not that any one their could not understand. "Are you feeling alright?" The boy asked. "I think I sat up too fast..." Sarina put her hands on her head. "Nnghh. Liam are you okay?"