Liam grew excited as Jay became interested in spending time with him, his first choice of a game was rather simple and fun, a game Liam was very good at. After winning a couple times Jay got up and pulled out a couple more games, one of which he was not very good at but another stuck out. Both Ferdia and Liam had enjoyed checkers, though the boy had preferred chess to which Jay had apologize for not having. Liam simply responded with a smile and the two began playing checkers. The score between the two was pretty close, though the only matches that Liam had won was played by Ferdia, controlling Liam's mind in his place to have some fun. A small noise came from the bed, he knew it was Sarina but apparently she had forgotten that Liam could move again. She looked over to him and asked if he was okay. He gave her a soft sweet smile and nodded. He tried to speak again, opening his mouth with nothing but air coming out, not a sound could be heard. He frowned and stood up from the floor from which the two boys sat upon to play their games. He walked over to her and gave her a light hug before looking at the door and pointing. He really wanted to go outside, he was done with being trapped by walls, any walls. He hadn't seen the outside world for years. He looked around, trying to find something to wear to cover his torso, though with no luck he didn't succeed. He was aware of his horns and how other people would react if they saw them. His hands lifted to his crown and touched his small horns, he covered them with his palms and had the look of worry on his face, his eyes big as he stared at the two, waiting to see if they had an answer. "Be careful out there now, you've been gone for three years, your people skills may not be what they used to." "Oh please, like I can even talk anyways, I'm not worried, I just want to walk, to see, to feel and smell again." "Even if you can't talk, do you remember the exorcists that used to hunt you before, they are still out there, and there are far more now that news has spread you escaped solitary confinement made specifically for a demon as strong as myself. Just be careful Liam." "Right, I forgot about them, I'll keep a watchful eye, thanks." Liam vanished first before the Demon could turn to ash, he was in a hurry to go outside and enjoy himself.