[b]Jake Strider[/b] "So this.."Digivice" can track other humans?" Jake had to admit that was interesting, but it seemed like a bit of a wasted effort since there couldn't be too many other humans in Digiworld. "Not exactly it can track other Digivices and it can also make us Digimon stronger, and I think it has other functions as well." Jake decided to write down what Candlemon had told him so far. Sure the "whole transported to a different world trope" was a bit of a cliché, but it was still a good one. He took out his notebook and started writing. [i]Several children have been transported to another world inhabited by talking monsters. The children each partner up with one of those monsters who reveal the basics about their world. Also every child has a device that can make their partner stronger as well as track down other humans.[/i] Candlemon watched as its partner wrote all that down. "Ehm ...don't you think it would be smart to look for the others?" Having to admit that the talking candle was right, Jake checked his Digivice again and started walking in the direction of the nearest red dot. [b]Dave Harley[/b] "Oh yeah, I'm sure I need protection from all the giant talking bugs out here." If any other monsters in this hallucination or dream or whatever it was were like this Fanbeemon, it at least wouldn't be a scary one. "Actually there are Digimon big enough to swallow both of us at once, whole. That warning was enough to get Dave to take the whole thing a bit more seriously, just in case it was real. "And you're supposed to protect me how exactly?" While making sure to stay under the treetops and a fair distance of the ground Fanbeemon answered his partner's question. "Well that is where your Digivice comes in, as long you have I can transform into more powerful forms." Having no idea what the bug was talking about Dave checked his pockets and eventually found what it was talking about. [i]"Weird to think that such a small thing could do that. I wonder if I could sell it and for how much?"[/i]