Cs Name: Prince Kuro Gender: Male Age: 13 Species: Neko Room Number: 43 Rooming With: Seninia Alignment: Neutral Appearance: [IMG]http://i44.tinypic.com/2jfycxt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i44.tinypic.com/2uhse8o.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Kuro is the nicest person you will probably ever meet. He will never hesitate to help another in need, even if it means getting himself in trouble for it. He is always kind and honest, never telling a single lie, no matter what the case, because of this, he may sound offensive at times. Kuro is carefree and playful, he enjoys the little things in life. He cannot see the bad in things, nor the bad in people. Instead, he sees good in everything, always looking on the bright side and trusting way too easily. He has let himself starve before, just to feed a hungry animal in need. He never takes more than he needs in anything, and is always giving more than he should, leaving himself out. He is always forgiving, even though others have let him down time and time again. He believes if he is patient, then they will change. To him violence is never the option. Bio: Kuro is a prince who has been taught the seven heavenly virtues. He has always been taught that if he ever breaks one of the virtues, he will be punished, not by the parents, but by life, dying of a early age. His mother and father wanted him to have a life they could never have, to be kind and honest with everyone. They taught him to never lie, no matter what the case may be. Kuya was always pampered and protected. He was a special boy, a boy who never had to grow up. His parents always wanted him to have his innocence. One day, his father died of a sudden heart attack, leaving Kuya's mother to look after him on her own, Kuya never got over it, he was still very young, what's even worse, is that his mother committed suicide soon after. Kuya was now on his own and became depressed, he was no longer eating or drinking. When he finally got hold of some food, he gave it to a starving cat, saving it's life, that is when he realized, he could understand animals. They spoke and soon became best friends, curing Kuya of his depression and returning him to his carefree child like personality. Everyone thought he was crazy, talking to Yoruichi constantly, so eventually, he decided to use the magic book which his parents told him to keep, and never use until after their deaths. He casted a spell on his pet Yoruichi. allowing her to talk freely. Power 1: He can transform into and control animals. Power 2: Magic Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: None Other: Pet Name: Yoruichi Pet Age: Female Pet Gender: 3 Pet Species: Cat Pet Apperance: [IMG]http://i39.tinypic.com/2vb06ts.jpg[/IMG] Pet Personality: Yoruichi is smart and logical. She will think every situation through before approaching it. She will also judge a person based on their personality, looks and attitude. She does this in order to protect the prince. Yoruichi is Kuro's personal adviser. She will tell him the best way to handle a situation. She is very kind and forgiving like Kuro, she hates to see others getting hurt and if she can, she will do whatever it takes to protect both parties. Yoruichi will always analyze every situation and every move, She studies everything, because of this she is very patient, and normally very slow, considering everything. Pet Power 1: Thanks to Kuro, she has been given slight psychic powers. Allowing her to read thoughts, as well as speak to everyone telepathically. Pet Power 2: She also has minor magical abilities.