Name: Inge Gender: Non-binary, assumes Gender of current form. Age: 18 Species: Aufhocker Room Number: 194 Rooming With: Red Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Appearance: Inge can change its appearance drastically depending on the desired form, though it does have two human appearance it prefers for everyday use, one for both sexes. [Hider=Female] Inge's female human form, standing at 5' 4" [img][/img][/hider][hider=Male]Inge's Male human form, standing at 6' 2" [img][/img][/hider] Personality: Inge is a bit of a trickster, finding enjoyment in things like pranks. These are most often not mean spirited,rather all in good fun. In fact, Inge plays these pranks more often on people it is fond of. Inge is generally good natured, taking a lot to get riled up, though once angered is extremely difficult to calm. Inge is often happy to avoid the conflicts of others, but will remain completely objective with an uncaring demeanor if dragged in. In the romance department, Inge is asexual, pan-romantic. Overall Inge is a kind person, definitely a far cry from its relatives. Bio: To be developed IC Power 1: Hydromancy Power 2: Electromancy Likes: Spicy food, pranks, exercise, good ol' fashioned sparring Dislikes: Bitter food, people without a sense of humor, bigots, sunlight, crosses Family: Inge does not know much of its family, Aufhockers are often solitary creatures. It only knows they would rather tear throats than have fun. Friends: People were often too fearful of Inge for it to make friends. Sentimental Attachment: [hider=Black Oil Paper Parasol][img][/img][/hider] Weapon: Inge shapeshifts and uses its body as a weapon Other: Pet Name: Fáfnir Pet Age: 4 years Pet Gender: Male Pet Species: Lindworm Pet Apperance: [hider= Fáfnir](imagine with two legs slightly back from the head) [img][/img][/hider] Pet Personality: Fáfnir is a troublemaker by nature, having tried to eat small animals alive many times over Inge's time with him (Inge does not allow this if the animal belongs to someone, Fáfnir is mostly fed prepared food, with some wildlife for sport). Towards humans Fáfnir may seem vicious, though he has learned not to attack without Inge's consent. Inge is the only being Fáfnir has shown affection for, usually attempting to avoid physical contact with others. Fáfnir will often be wrapped around Inge or walking next to it. Pet Power 1: Toxin manipulation Pet Power 2: Pyromancy