The black smiths latched his marble joints around the shield as phoenix handed it to him from trash heap it formally was, the wrinkles on the side of his eyes spread out as his cheeks lifted up high when looking down at the shield in a long and careful inspecting gaze. He stayed silent for a moment as he slowly flipped it from one side to another and then set his eyes upon him [i]"Why.."[/i] he started off meekly, his voice weak with his face still giving a static stare at him before muttering[i] "Yes. Thank you, you don't know what this means to my nephew...and me"[/i] The middle aged black smith look up to the selection of guards that had slowly encircled the three of them while he was drawing the chalk. [i]"I think we should respect his wishes. Since he solved the issue"[/i] he said softly before smiling at Gin and Phoenix. Gin had long risen from his submissive bow when the boy had stepped in, now standing with the same stoic gaze that only reek of rage from the cracks of his forehead [i]"Yes. I think I won't push any charges"[/i] he meekly commented as he started to crack under the constant glare of not only gin but the crowd of officers and guards who had an unfeeling inspection down at them all [i]"Very well. The smiths charge are dropped"[/i] said one of the uniformed officers towards phoenix before turning his eyes to the stone faced, gin [i] "You should thank this, man. Crooked, He just saved you from going back to the cells with Clairford"[/i] one of the guards commented with a nod to the young man as he did. The old man turned his veiny face towards him and drunk him deep in a slow nod up and down with his tar pit pair of eyes before letting churning out a crackled and stern [color=brown]"thank you"[/color] that weighed as heavy as bricks and sounding just as artificial towards him as the rummage of enforcers and people finally left the scene with just the two of them and the splintered mess that was once a wooden stool.