Cs Name: Llium Gender: Female. Age: 13 Species: Experiment Room Number: 195 Room Number: Miarikia Alignment: Neutral Evil Appearance: [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/6p15ox.jpg[/IMG] Personality: She is a smart little girl. She cares for nobody but herself and she can be cruel at times. This is mostly due to the fact that all the experiments changed her. She trusts nobody, and believes that she is always on her own. She doesn't even care about herself. The only reason for her being at the academy is simply to become stronger. Llium believes that friends make her weak which is why she doesn't have any. Bio: Llium was taken and experimented on at a young age, these experiments changed her completely, to an innocent young girl, to being cruel and selfish. At first, she couldn't control her demon form, and lost control of it, but she soon was able to regain control. She became feared because of her power. She didn't care though, she stays in her human form until she needs to transform. She later heard of an academy which could perhaps make her stronger and so she joined. Power 1: She is Psychic. Power 2: She can cast a variety of spells. Family: None Friends: None Sentimental Attachment: The gem around her waist.